This week started with me chopping red peppers in the dead of the night! I was preparing them for the next evening when I baked 11 muffin-sized quiches! Now, after the hard-boiled eggs, I'm having a quiche every morning :)
The following few mornings were quite eventful.
Day 23, 27 Jul 2012, was very memorable as the Day of the Disastrous Poop. I had him in the sling late morning and I heard his explosive poops. After a while, I thought he had finished pooping so I took him out to change. When I felt something wet on his back, I thought he was sweating but wait, my fingers felt sticky... Omg! Shit!
At the changing table, I discovered his whole back was drenched in his poop! Luckily Sito and Mum were both around. It was too much to wipe so I washed the poop off him instead, and Sito quickly ran another bath for me to bathe him. Mum held him with clean hands while I made sure I had no more shit on my hands! And that wasn't the end - cos the diaper was off by the second bath, he peed on me while I was washing his hair *.*
The next morning, I was very pissed with Sito. ZK was crying while I was in the toilet and yet he carried on sleeping! Poor boy :( That evening, we fed ZK some 八宝散 - supposed to help him sleep better as he startled himself awake a lot. We tried swaddling him but his arms would pop out within five minutes!
The next day started happier, with Sito singing to ZK :) I also learnt a new song - Itsy Bitsy Spider! :)
Update 21 Sep 2012 - just uploaded the video :)
Some time this week, ZK started making more baby sounds. But he also started to cry when waking up, almost as if he was in pain :( Maybe he was - gas or something tummy related cos he's usually ok after pooping.
Finally, on his 27th day, he couldn't stop crying or nursing, cranky as he slept very little that day. We took out another swaddle - not just a receiving blanket but one with zips to restrain him. And that night, he slept like pre-pregnancy me, i.e. very soundly! The past two nights have been wonderful cos of the swaddle, although it makes changing diapers in the middle of the night quite a pain..
Love this shot of Sito holding sleeping ZK so that I could shower:

Tried taking photos for passport but not very successful, just very funny, especially this one - like some irritated ah beng! :p

One fine night, we sat down for some family TV time. And we crossed our legs the same way :p

Caught him in a pooping stance - check out his stiff legs in preparation for an explosive poop! During pregnancy, I used to think that he was happy when he kicked... Well, maybe not!!

That's the sling he sleeps in in the mornings.. Well, some mornings...

Sito was out the whole of yesterday so I took the chance to do a trial run of life when Sito starts working. With the sling, I managed to do laundry, including folding and hanging, buy groceries albeit in mini amounts, eat and even nap. Very happy :)
And I'm trying to fall into some routine - having him nap in the morning and around lunch in the sling so I could do some chores and eat, taking a nap together in bed in the afternoons, and taking another nap in the sling in the evening. Yesterday, I tried to initiate him to his mattress in the other room. I thought we could start with nursing in bed and napping. In the end, I was the only one who napped *.* Oh well, it's a start! :p I'll probably have to set him down while I shower in the evening - too bad if he cries :( Then it's bathing time followed by sleep time - swaddled in his bed!
I shall end with this angelic shot of ZK - boob censored :) It's the cutest angle to look at him and only Mama has this privilege! He's even cuter if he brings his little hands up to his cheeks - so Puss in Boots :)

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