Today is the last day of operations for the hawker centre at Holland Drive. It will be closed for renovation until next year. There were notices in the neighbourhood with black and white pictures of some of the stalls, informing customers where they would be relocated to.
I told Sito about it and offered one last packet of his fave vegetarian beehoon from 珍记 at the hawker centre. The queue was really long! I don't know whether it has always been so long or people were, like me for Sito, indulging one last time.
Technically, it's not the last time; the stall will continue to operate, but in Taman Jurong - now where is that?! I asked the auntie when it was my turn and confirmed that she would return to Holland Drive next year.
While queueing, I took the chance to take a good look around the hawker centre. We seldom came here to eat actually, although Sito was here a lot more often - during his MOE days and in the early ZK days when he packed food for me.
And of all days, I didn't have my phone with me today, i.e. no camera. Well, I still remember what it looks like for now..
The hawker centre is squarish. All the stalls look pretty old. Most of the smallholders are past middle age. There's a flight of stairs in the middle, right in front of the vegetarian stall, leading to the market. I've only been to the market a couple of times in 2010. One to alter a dress and another to check out the wet market - I remember being overwhelmed by all the experienced aunties there! I left without buying anything..
Anyway, so this Saturday, ZK and I won't be heading for the hawker centre like we did for so many Saturdays.. Guess it's time to explore other parts of our neighbourhood...
Thursday, 28 February 2013
Monday, 25 February 2013
ZK at seven months
Didn't manage to update until now... As mentioned, he's a busy boy, learning to do so many things at once :)
I'm standing! I'm standing!

My boys, at some iPhone game...

Yay, I've got my own passportto eat!

Reading the last book in The Wheel of Time..

Because I'm a 埋头-kun..

Gave him a whole slice of an apple - he made some dents in it :)

But puree, he wasn't too impressed... My little vampire after some carrot puree :)

Mama gave me biscuit coated with carrot puree, but I'm smart - I got my revenge on the floor!

And yet he wanted food! So poor thing, to watch us have a grand reunion dinner :p
What? Why is my table empty while yours is so full of food?!

Pacifying me with only these?!

Gave him his first formula on the first day of LNY. He took to it greedily! But his eventual poop was pretty disgusting! Now I understand why the websites keep saying that breastfed baby poop may smell sweet *.*
Second day of LNY - dinner at El Patio downstairs. Food was ok but served by a team of the most unhappy attendants we'd ever had!

Oh, his hair is getting long, so long that we had to use a hairdryer after showering him haha!
The LNY holidays were amazing. The three of us spent so much time together, just playing and nua-ing. We kept hearing ZK say something close to "daddy" :) But hey, what about Mama??
We napped a lot together too. This is how he looks like, asleep in my arms :)

Another sleep shot. Found him asleep - and looking fat! - in the IFC rocker when I went to fetch him :)

Saturday after LNY holidays - in between two house visits, this little beng beng took a rest on the sofa..

New toy at grandparents' place - and sitting happily!

His poop schedule changed since he started on formula milk. That night, I was sniffing around his little bottom through his PJs and wondering if that was gas or poop! This morning, he gave me three days of poop at one shot. Pretty nasty haha! But well, better out than not!
Th next day, we did the quintessentially Singaporean thing - we visited showflats hoho! And in between D'Leedon and Interlace, we had Macs and took a picture with Ronald :p

He wasn't smiling then but that day, he was laughing so happily while in the car! Beats me why....
Mama, are we going to live here? Quite comfy...

Wait a few more years, my son!
I'm standing! I'm standing!

My boys, at some iPhone game...

Yay, I've got my own passport

Reading the last book in The Wheel of Time..

Because I'm a 埋头-kun..

Gave him a whole slice of an apple - he made some dents in it :)

But puree, he wasn't too impressed... My little vampire after some carrot puree :)

Mama gave me biscuit coated with carrot puree, but I'm smart - I got my revenge on the floor!

And yet he wanted food! So poor thing, to watch us have a grand reunion dinner :p
What? Why is my table empty while yours is so full of food?!

Pacifying me with only these?!

Gave him his first formula on the first day of LNY. He took to it greedily! But his eventual poop was pretty disgusting! Now I understand why the websites keep saying that breastfed baby poop may smell sweet *.*
Second day of LNY - dinner at El Patio downstairs. Food was ok but served by a team of the most unhappy attendants we'd ever had!

Oh, his hair is getting long, so long that we had to use a hairdryer after showering him haha!
The LNY holidays were amazing. The three of us spent so much time together, just playing and nua-ing. We kept hearing ZK say something close to "daddy" :) But hey, what about Mama??
We napped a lot together too. This is how he looks like, asleep in my arms :)

Another sleep shot. Found him asleep - and looking fat! - in the IFC rocker when I went to fetch him :)

Saturday after LNY holidays - in between two house visits, this little beng beng took a rest on the sofa..

New toy at grandparents' place - and sitting happily!

His poop schedule changed since he started on formula milk. That night, I was sniffing around his little bottom through his PJs and wondering if that was gas or poop! This morning, he gave me three days of poop at one shot. Pretty nasty haha! But well, better out than not!
Th next day, we did the quintessentially Singaporean thing - we visited showflats hoho! And in between D'Leedon and Interlace, we had Macs and took a picture with Ronald :p

He wasn't smiling then but that day, he was laughing so happily while in the car! Beats me why....
Mama, are we going to live here? Quite comfy...

Wait a few more years, my son!
Hot hot hot!
As I sweated profusely after sending ZK to IFC this morning, I thought that well, the cool season had to go eventually. And then it poured in the evening. Nice and breezy now..
My legs are still tired from almost running to fetch ZK just now, not cos I was running late but I was racing with the dark clouds! ZK and I just recovered so I didn't want either of us, and especially him, to get wet along the way. Thankfully, it didn't start to rain until he was almost asleep..
When I last updated substantially on ZK, it was about his third fever. So 小可怜 :(

So after going to NUH on Monday, we brought him to another GP downstairs on Wednesday when his cough got worse. This doc was very patient with all our queries. She looked down his throat, found it super red and gave him a once-a-day antibiotics in addition to bisolvon for his phlegm which I found to be way better than fluimucil. She also gave us some ibuprofen to alternate with paracetamol for high fever above 38.5 deg. But for fevers below 38 deg, she agreed with cool gel pack treatment.
She asked if ZK had vomited. I said no. Well, that evening, about an hour after he took some ibuprofen, bisolvon and milk, he merlion-ed behind me as I carried him upright *.* The white stuff was on our TV bench, the middle of the living and the front of our sofa. And it remained there for an hour odd as I couldn't get to it before he slept! Thank goodness he hadn't had his antibiotics then.
The next two mornings, I got an auntie from downstairs to babysit ZK while I worked from home; Mum helped in the afternoons. I thought he quite like Auntie Liza! He was so curious and his little hands were everywhere - no loose hair by the neck, skin different, "seat" bony, milk milk factory also different hoho! Auntie Liza was also very good with ZK - she's only in her 40s but has three kids.
He got well on the second day of LNY. But one week later, sigh, he got a fever again!!
I had super yellow mucous and a headache on the Sunday after LNY holidays. On Monday, I felt giddy and pukish on the way to work. Thankfully, Sito was with me - I almost left the house earlier without him! He sat with me at the platform for a while before the staff wheeled me to the staff room to rest. Sigh, still LNY season and I had to sit in a wheel chair - 大吉利事!After some 20-30 min, I was good enough to walk and went to office - since I was at Tanjong Pagar anyway - to get my laptop before cabbing home.
I felt better by then but saw the doc anyway who said "you look quite fine for 80/50 blood pressure" after measuring it three times - twice seated and once standing. Left with some decongestant and a two-day MC.
On the second day of my MC, ZK woke with a fever :(
So he didn't go to IFC, which was just as well, cos I was on MC and at home anyway, and I had a blocked duct somehow so my right boob was swollen and hurting at 4-7 o'clock since the night before! It wasn't until the late pm that he unblocked me.. Had to invert him to nurse on our bed so that his lower lips were on the top of my boob - can imagine? :p Anyway, it appeared that I had a milk blister. I had thought that was a mark left by his recent biting! That evening, he surprised us by clapping by himself suddenly!
I sent him to IFC the next morning but Mum had to pick him up cos he got feverish. Apparently, he was cranky the whole afternoon and refused to be put down. But he was fine the next morning so I sent him to IFC again. But it was so sad - he started to whine as I left the centre! :( Then I got a call before 10 am that he got feverish. So I took the rest of the day off to take care of him - I imagine it must be quite tough to take care of a cranky baby for two consecutive days. We had a lot of fun that day though - he was feverish but he was so happy!

I even took a video of him clapping...
... and pu-pu-ing saliva! 小臭臭 :)
Had to work on Friday but Mum had a mid-day appointment so Sito worked from home the whole day and got Auntie Liza to babysit while Mum was not available. No fever that whole day, phew! But I came down with a fever - 38.3 deg - and painful joint aches yesterday. Panadol did nothing. Ibuprofen did wonders! I thought I was going to have to take MC today but I woke up feeling good. Went to work after sending ZK to IFC.
Really, it's IFC. My friends were not kidding when they told me kids would fall ill upon admission to IFC/childcare. I kept bringing ZK out in his first five months and he was fit as a fiddle! In fact, J was saying that her J1 came down with a fever every two weeks since going to IFC at six months, reducing to every three weeks at two or three years old! Then the frequency reduced again to monthly at five years old - FIVE! AND STILL MONTHLY! *faint*
Before ZK started IFC, my last fever was in July 2010 - got it from Sito who got it from his colleague. And before that, none for more than 10 years! Baby viruses are scary. I bet Sito's colleague got it from his kid back in 2010...
Anyway, all these fever episodes really made me wonder if I should heed Mother's words to quit and be a SAHM - yes, she preached that to me every time she saw me since ZK was born. Like that, ZK doesn't fall I'll and I won't fall too ill, just my usual colds that I'm susceptible to; like that, I won't need to rely on others to babysit unless I want some time out; like that, I won't feel bad for entrusting others with a sick and cranky baby. But like that, we will only have one income; like that, we will have little to spare and save for our future; like that, I may feel good now only to feel guilty later when we can't give our kids a better life.
It's true. It sucks being a working mum. But no point feeling bad about it. Babies, being babies, will fall ill, especially when they're among many babies. Take it as building up their immunity in the hope that they will fare better when attendance in school really matters.
I remember an old boss saying that they gave in to fancy birthday parties etc in order to compensate for not being there all the time. I doubt we will do that, ha! Poor kids of the Sito household ;p But we'll make sure to compensate our weekday absence with our 100% presence in the weekends. My current job allows me to be in 100% over weekends except for this initial period and then perhaps two days a year. When Sito leaves his current job (eventually), he'll be in 100% as well.
Due to his or my illness, we haven't been out for fun for quite a while. Hopefully, we get to do something fun this weekend! Be doing a photo shoot, complimentary of his baby spa, at United Square. Maybe we can hang out there after that.. Or go baby spa! Hope he still likes it after missing it for two months!
My legs are still tired from almost running to fetch ZK just now, not cos I was running late but I was racing with the dark clouds! ZK and I just recovered so I didn't want either of us, and especially him, to get wet along the way. Thankfully, it didn't start to rain until he was almost asleep..
When I last updated substantially on ZK, it was about his third fever. So 小可怜 :(

So after going to NUH on Monday, we brought him to another GP downstairs on Wednesday when his cough got worse. This doc was very patient with all our queries. She looked down his throat, found it super red and gave him a once-a-day antibiotics in addition to bisolvon for his phlegm which I found to be way better than fluimucil. She also gave us some ibuprofen to alternate with paracetamol for high fever above 38.5 deg. But for fevers below 38 deg, she agreed with cool gel pack treatment.
She asked if ZK had vomited. I said no. Well, that evening, about an hour after he took some ibuprofen, bisolvon and milk, he merlion-ed behind me as I carried him upright *.* The white stuff was on our TV bench, the middle of the living and the front of our sofa. And it remained there for an hour odd as I couldn't get to it before he slept! Thank goodness he hadn't had his antibiotics then.
The next two mornings, I got an auntie from downstairs to babysit ZK while I worked from home; Mum helped in the afternoons. I thought he quite like Auntie Liza! He was so curious and his little hands were everywhere - no loose hair by the neck, skin different, "seat" bony, milk milk factory also different hoho! Auntie Liza was also very good with ZK - she's only in her 40s but has three kids.
He got well on the second day of LNY. But one week later, sigh, he got a fever again!!
I had super yellow mucous and a headache on the Sunday after LNY holidays. On Monday, I felt giddy and pukish on the way to work. Thankfully, Sito was with me - I almost left the house earlier without him! He sat with me at the platform for a while before the staff wheeled me to the staff room to rest. Sigh, still LNY season and I had to sit in a wheel chair - 大吉利事!After some 20-30 min, I was good enough to walk and went to office - since I was at Tanjong Pagar anyway - to get my laptop before cabbing home.
I felt better by then but saw the doc anyway who said "you look quite fine for 80/50 blood pressure" after measuring it three times - twice seated and once standing. Left with some decongestant and a two-day MC.
On the second day of my MC, ZK woke with a fever :(
So he didn't go to IFC, which was just as well, cos I was on MC and at home anyway, and I had a blocked duct somehow so my right boob was swollen and hurting at 4-7 o'clock since the night before! It wasn't until the late pm that he unblocked me.. Had to invert him to nurse on our bed so that his lower lips were on the top of my boob - can imagine? :p Anyway, it appeared that I had a milk blister. I had thought that was a mark left by his recent biting! That evening, he surprised us by clapping by himself suddenly!
I sent him to IFC the next morning but Mum had to pick him up cos he got feverish. Apparently, he was cranky the whole afternoon and refused to be put down. But he was fine the next morning so I sent him to IFC again. But it was so sad - he started to whine as I left the centre! :( Then I got a call before 10 am that he got feverish. So I took the rest of the day off to take care of him - I imagine it must be quite tough to take care of a cranky baby for two consecutive days. We had a lot of fun that day though - he was feverish but he was so happy!

I even took a video of him clapping...
... and pu-pu-ing saliva! 小臭臭 :)
Had to work on Friday but Mum had a mid-day appointment so Sito worked from home the whole day and got Auntie Liza to babysit while Mum was not available. No fever that whole day, phew! But I came down with a fever - 38.3 deg - and painful joint aches yesterday. Panadol did nothing. Ibuprofen did wonders! I thought I was going to have to take MC today but I woke up feeling good. Went to work after sending ZK to IFC.
Really, it's IFC. My friends were not kidding when they told me kids would fall ill upon admission to IFC/childcare. I kept bringing ZK out in his first five months and he was fit as a fiddle! In fact, J was saying that her J1 came down with a fever every two weeks since going to IFC at six months, reducing to every three weeks at two or three years old! Then the frequency reduced again to monthly at five years old - FIVE! AND STILL MONTHLY! *faint*
Before ZK started IFC, my last fever was in July 2010 - got it from Sito who got it from his colleague. And before that, none for more than 10 years! Baby viruses are scary. I bet Sito's colleague got it from his kid back in 2010...
Anyway, all these fever episodes really made me wonder if I should heed Mother's words to quit and be a SAHM - yes, she preached that to me every time she saw me since ZK was born. Like that, ZK doesn't fall I'll and I won't fall too ill, just my usual colds that I'm susceptible to; like that, I won't need to rely on others to babysit unless I want some time out; like that, I won't feel bad for entrusting others with a sick and cranky baby. But like that, we will only have one income; like that, we will have little to spare and save for our future; like that, I may feel good now only to feel guilty later when we can't give our kids a better life.
It's true. It sucks being a working mum. But no point feeling bad about it. Babies, being babies, will fall ill, especially when they're among many babies. Take it as building up their immunity in the hope that they will fare better when attendance in school really matters.
I remember an old boss saying that they gave in to fancy birthday parties etc in order to compensate for not being there all the time. I doubt we will do that, ha! Poor kids of the Sito household ;p But we'll make sure to compensate our weekday absence with our 100% presence in the weekends. My current job allows me to be in 100% over weekends except for this initial period and then perhaps two days a year. When Sito leaves his current job (eventually), he'll be in 100% as well.
Due to his or my illness, we haven't been out for fun for quite a while. Hopefully, we get to do something fun this weekend! Be doing a photo shoot, complimentary of his baby spa, at United Square. Maybe we can hang out there after that.. Or go baby spa! Hope he still likes it after missing it for two months!
Friday, 22 February 2013
What I've learned today
1) Ballroom sculpting
Made two angry birds today at our directorate retreat :) My team's flying bird totally missed the pig tower though..

Actually, everyone made just one but two of my colleagues were stuck in office with preparation for a big event tomorrow. ZK is still too young to appreciate but they have young kids so I gave these to them.
2) The world is unfair.
For said event, the lowest paid staff seemed to be doing the most work. It really shouldn't be like that. And I should do something about it.
3) But god is fair.
So I've been pretty big-sized among friends in my schooling years and felt very self-conscious about it. But today, after having a kid, I was told I was hot in my pink tunic and silvery tights, ha! Suddenly I don't feel so bad for starting to notice wrinkles under my eyes!
4) It's up to me to make life easier.
Life is hard. But I can make it easier, by being agreeable, by simplifying things, by leaving the logarithmic mf out of the linear equation of life. Ok, that was babbling and trying to hard to sound like I know my maths :p
5) ZK is worth everything in the world.
He just stirred - what's new? - and after settling him, I just knelt by his bed to look at his dark sleeping form for a short while before leaving his room. Yes, he's worth everything in the world. For him, I can take anything.
6) I should be more thankful for my friends.
Because when I'm unable to see ZK lest I disturb his sleep, my friends are only a byte or a call away. Thanks for letting me go crying to you. Next up - we should meet!
7) I should be most thankful for my Sito.
Because we have chosen each other, warts and all. Thanks for everything good in my life.
Made two angry birds today at our directorate retreat :) My team's flying bird totally missed the pig tower though..

Actually, everyone made just one but two of my colleagues were stuck in office with preparation for a big event tomorrow. ZK is still too young to appreciate but they have young kids so I gave these to them.
2) The world is unfair.
For said event, the lowest paid staff seemed to be doing the most work. It really shouldn't be like that. And I should do something about it.
3) But god is fair.
So I've been pretty big-sized among friends in my schooling years and felt very self-conscious about it. But today, after having a kid, I was told I was hot in my pink tunic and silvery tights, ha! Suddenly I don't feel so bad for starting to notice wrinkles under my eyes!
4) It's up to me to make life easier.
Life is hard. But I can make it easier, by being agreeable, by simplifying things, by leaving the logarithmic mf out of the linear equation of life. Ok, that was babbling and trying to hard to sound like I know my maths :p
5) ZK is worth everything in the world.
He just stirred - what's new? - and after settling him, I just knelt by his bed to look at his dark sleeping form for a short while before leaving his room. Yes, he's worth everything in the world. For him, I can take anything.
6) I should be more thankful for my friends.
Because when I'm unable to see ZK lest I disturb his sleep, my friends are only a byte or a call away. Thanks for letting me go crying to you. Next up - we should meet!
7) I should be most thankful for my Sito.
Because we have chosen each other, warts and all. Thanks for everything good in my life.
Now, breathe...
ZK woke at 4.30 am and fussed until 6 am. I want to go back to sleep but I can't cos I'm fucking pissed. What do I do while soothing him but think? And just now, the more I thought, the more pissed I got.
It hit me that I've never been so angry so frequently in the past.
I've been very angry before. For years before I got married, I was always angry at "home" - it was a deep simmering anger that had limited outlet so I managed by spending as little time there as possible and later when I had my own room, hiding in it. Everyone there pissed me off in one way or another. Now thankfully that has passed.
There were two distinct periods of time when I was angry at work but it was more stress and/or heavy workload than anything deeper. And of course, all incidents involving errant taxi drivers and smokers rile me up. I would take down taxi number and shout out of the window respectively.
Recently, when I was angry at this woman who knocked into ZK and just walked off, I thought I already wasn't as angry as I used to be. But I was wrong. I'm now so angry I'm sacrificing precious sleep time to vent my frustrations here. And this was after repeatedly punching my bed on Wednesday.
It's just that I cannot help but feel like I'm being held ransom by debts, especially intangible ones, that I cannot return. I vented to Kel and CY and both gave me somewhat different responses. I need to vent to more of my dear friends and get more advice and TLC!! Especially TLC..
And I so so soooo hate to be controlled or manipulated or fed subliminal messages. I may seem docile but I won't compromise my autonomy. And to use a very funny but flawed phrase that seems pretty apt here, 我又不是没有“想法”的人!
It's really tiring being angry. I don't like to be angry. I look at ZK or his photos to feel better, to remind myself how happy we are with him in our life. I tell myself to calm down. I tell myself that when we're starting to plan for ZK's younger sibling, being angry would make him/her a stressed baby. But it's very hard, VERY HARD, when I keep getting triggered. And I thought I'm already pretty mild-tempered compared to some people I know. I thought I'm already pretty zen. I guess I can be more zen.
And I guess that old anger furnace is still burning in me. Don't push it.
It hit me that I've never been so angry so frequently in the past.
I've been very angry before. For years before I got married, I was always angry at "home" - it was a deep simmering anger that had limited outlet so I managed by spending as little time there as possible and later when I had my own room, hiding in it. Everyone there pissed me off in one way or another. Now thankfully that has passed.
There were two distinct periods of time when I was angry at work but it was more stress and/or heavy workload than anything deeper. And of course, all incidents involving errant taxi drivers and smokers rile me up. I would take down taxi number and shout out of the window respectively.
Recently, when I was angry at this woman who knocked into ZK and just walked off, I thought I already wasn't as angry as I used to be. But I was wrong. I'm now so angry I'm sacrificing precious sleep time to vent my frustrations here. And this was after repeatedly punching my bed on Wednesday.
It's just that I cannot help but feel like I'm being held ransom by debts, especially intangible ones, that I cannot return. I vented to Kel and CY and both gave me somewhat different responses. I need to vent to more of my dear friends and get more advice and TLC!! Especially TLC..
And I so so soooo hate to be controlled or manipulated or fed subliminal messages. I may seem docile but I won't compromise my autonomy. And to use a very funny but flawed phrase that seems pretty apt here, 我又不是没有“想法”的人!
It's really tiring being angry. I don't like to be angry. I look at ZK or his photos to feel better, to remind myself how happy we are with him in our life. I tell myself to calm down. I tell myself that when we're starting to plan for ZK's younger sibling, being angry would make him/her a stressed baby. But it's very hard, VERY HARD, when I keep getting triggered. And I thought I'm already pretty mild-tempered compared to some people I know. I thought I'm already pretty zen. I guess I can be more zen.
And I guess that old anger furnace is still burning in me. Don't push it.
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
In the mood for shopping
Been on gmarket for the past hour - selected a few pyjamas for ZK :) He's outgrowing his current ones! Each is about $2 cheaper than if I buy near my office. And prettier too!
Also checked out some wallets. My old Braun Buffel is now about seven or eight years old. Still usable although the leather is starting to tear at the folds and some threads are starting to fray. It was such a good buy at less than $100! I have a couple of wallets lying around but somehow I'm partial to this particular type. Guess I'll take some time to find another one like this! (Or I can go back to get the same thing!)
Today, we went to Vivocity for lunch. Wanted teppan buffet but they stopped having buffets! Argh! Ended up at Macs *.* But we had space for dessert. Also did some grocery shopping. And I tried on a dress *smile* Very nice *smile* I fitted into a size 36 *SMILE* But one size bigger would be more comfortable. Unfortunately, I thought that was a 38 so I tried on a 40 - too big! I didn't realise it until after I changed out. Bah, too lazy to try 38 by then.
In any case, it was $100. Sito said it was alright but I need to think about it - it's expensive and also, I don't want to create a new price benchmark for future dresses *.* And unlike Sito who wears his $100+ shirts every other week, I doubt I'll wear the dress every other week. Well, let me sit on it for a few days..
Maybe I should go back to gmarket to look for similar dresses.. For a fraction of the price!
Also checked out some wallets. My old Braun Buffel is now about seven or eight years old. Still usable although the leather is starting to tear at the folds and some threads are starting to fray. It was such a good buy at less than $100! I have a couple of wallets lying around but somehow I'm partial to this particular type. Guess I'll take some time to find another one like this! (Or I can go back to get the same thing!)
Today, we went to Vivocity for lunch. Wanted teppan buffet but they stopped having buffets! Argh! Ended up at Macs *.* But we had space for dessert. Also did some grocery shopping. And I tried on a dress *smile* Very nice *smile* I fitted into a size 36 *SMILE* But one size bigger would be more comfortable. Unfortunately, I thought that was a 38 so I tried on a 40 - too big! I didn't realise it until after I changed out. Bah, too lazy to try 38 by then.
In any case, it was $100. Sito said it was alright but I need to think about it - it's expensive and also, I don't want to create a new price benchmark for future dresses *.* And unlike Sito who wears his $100+ shirts every other week, I doubt I'll wear the dress every other week. Well, let me sit on it for a few days..
Maybe I should go back to gmarket to look for similar dresses.. For a fraction of the price!
Monday, 11 February 2013
Happy new year!
... to me! Yes, I got my first 压岁钱! Mama hid it under the corner pillow and guided me to find it. But I hardly grabbed it when she pulled it away from my mouth me, bah!

And here's one from the family - we wish everyone a prosperous year of the little dragon!

Sito: My hair is messy..
mf: I look like crap la.. *got a cold*
ZK: I'm cute :)
Had reunion dinner with my in-laws - Mum cooked a spread of yumminess and all six of use sat at the dining table. Yes, including ZK! Brought his little chair along :)
Yesterday, we went first to Mother's place before heading to Aunt's place for lunch. Yes, must 拜年 to her separately even though she was going to Aunt's place anyway. Lesson learnt from 2010 - quite extra but have to do.
It was so fun at Aunt's place! Almost everyone was there and ZK was very happy too! :) The two jiejies were very cute, playing some guarding door game. That was very familiar, think we the first cousins played a similar version 20 odd years ago!! Now it's the second cousins' turn..
Really getting old la.. When ZK and I were going past the door, one of them said, "Now the baby and the auntie" *.*
We didn't do much today, just nua-ing around. Had Mexican for dinner. ZK didn't seem to like it much.. At least he's much better now - more on his illness next time... So we gave him his first shower in six days! But he started sweating once we settled down to nurse, oh well.. There's always the next shower...
And now, it's R&R time for papa and mama! Papa has just finished cutting his nails. Time to turn from the blog channel to the movie channel..

And here's one from the family - we wish everyone a prosperous year of the little dragon!

Sito: My hair is messy..
mf: I look like crap la.. *got a cold*
ZK: I'm cute :)
Had reunion dinner with my in-laws - Mum cooked a spread of yumminess and all six of use sat at the dining table. Yes, including ZK! Brought his little chair along :)
Yesterday, we went first to Mother's place before heading to Aunt's place for lunch. Yes, must 拜年 to her separately even though she was going to Aunt's place anyway. Lesson learnt from 2010 - quite extra but have to do.
It was so fun at Aunt's place! Almost everyone was there and ZK was very happy too! :) The two jiejies were very cute, playing some guarding door game. That was very familiar, think we the first cousins played a similar version 20 odd years ago!! Now it's the second cousins' turn..
Really getting old la.. When ZK and I were going past the door, one of them said, "Now the baby and the auntie" *.*
We didn't do much today, just nua-ing around. Had Mexican for dinner. ZK didn't seem to like it much.. At least he's much better now - more on his illness next time... So we gave him his first shower in six days! But he started sweating once we settled down to nurse, oh well.. There's always the next shower...
And now, it's R&R time for papa and mama! Papa has just finished cutting his nails. Time to turn from the blog channel to the movie channel..
Tuesday, 5 February 2013
Household SuperCute
Shared with Sito this 欠扁问答题:
mf: What is this? *made my palms swim*
Sito: Fish?
mf: What is this? *made my fists swim*
Sito: *looks at wife*
mf: Fishballs :D
So he asked me back..
Sito: Test you maths! If 1 = 5, ... Eh... *thinking*
mf: Tester fail!
Sito: *sulk*
Sito: Ok, if 1 = 5, 2 = 54, 3 = 543, 4 = 5434, what is 5?
mf: 1? *immediate reply*
Sito: Why do you know?! *sulk*
mf: Heh! But why is 4 = 5434?
Sito: Should be 5432 but why do you know??
Just one of our random times :)
Went in to check ZK's temperature just now. No fever :) But I lingered for a while cos he was so cute just lying there, asleep with his pacifier stuck between his cheek and the bed :)
Then I came back to the study and Sito did his fishball hands.. Ya, it's our most recent cute gesture.. (We have cute sounds too! Later!)
So I sang a random tune with these words:
I turn around and see cuteness..
I go into black black room and see cuteness...
I look into mirror and also see cuteness!
mf: What is this? *made my palms swim*
Sito: Fish?
mf: What is this? *made my fists swim*
Sito: *looks at wife*
mf: Fishballs :D
So he asked me back..
Sito: Test you maths! If 1 = 5, ... Eh... *thinking*
mf: Tester fail!
Sito: *sulk*
Sito: Ok, if 1 = 5, 2 = 54, 3 = 543, 4 = 5434, what is 5?
mf: 1? *immediate reply*
Sito: Why do you know?! *sulk*
mf: Heh! But why is 4 = 5434?
Sito: Should be 5432 but why do you know??
Just one of our random times :)
Went in to check ZK's temperature just now. No fever :) But I lingered for a while cos he was so cute just lying there, asleep with his pacifier stuck between his cheek and the bed :)
Then I came back to the study and Sito did his fishball hands.. Ya, it's our most recent cute gesture.. (We have cute sounds too! Later!)
So I sang a random tune with these words:
I turn around and see cuteness..
I go into black black room and see cuteness...
I look into mirror and also see cuteness!
On leave!
Woke at 6 am with a jolt. You mean ZK didn't stir throughout the night??
I thought for a while and recalled that he coughed at around 3 am but didn't wake up. I barely turned my head to the monitor and then went back to sleep.
That was a good six hours of sleep! Longest stretch of bed time for me since 12 Jul 2012! Thank you, my little one! :)
So I woke and went about my morning stuff - put together my pump parts and bottles which were left to dry overnight, toilet break, brushed teeth. Then, panic - why is he still sleeping? Usually if he doesn't wake in the middle of the night, he would be awake by now!
Took my flashlight to his room and I saw him squint in the sudden brightness. Phew, he's alive! Hoho, paranoid mama!
He measured 37.4 deg in bed. After changing his poopy everything and nursing, he measured 37.7 deg. After my breakfast, he measured 37.3 deg. Wth?!
I've decided that I won't give him paracetamol for fevers below 38 deg. So I stuck the cool pad on his lower back and texted boss to say I'd take childcare leave today. She replied about a fire at work this morning - luckily I checked email last night so I told her I'd replied, yay! :p
ZK measured below 37 deg for the rest of the morning. When I woke with him from his second nap, I wasn't too well - my sneeze sounded bad, and the nose was dripping. Already had phlegm and a sore throat in the morning. My morning Berocca had failed!! Think I may need to drink it every morning for good results; did that for two months back in 2008 and I didn't get my usual July/August big bad cold although I came down horrible in November that year..
So anyway, I packed him off to IFC, came home to pump, had foot reflexology downstairs and came home just before the downpour, ran the washer and lay down on the sofa for a nap. But, I couldn't fall asleep! Sito suggested reading one of his books :p I guess I took the wrong book - it was the exec summary but it got quite interesting so I stopped and tried to nap again.
Well, I failed. So here I am... I think I should go read about the population white paper.. I've only read the exec summary and no news. Should really catch up.
I thought for a while and recalled that he coughed at around 3 am but didn't wake up. I barely turned my head to the monitor and then went back to sleep.
That was a good six hours of sleep! Longest stretch of bed time for me since 12 Jul 2012! Thank you, my little one! :)
So I woke and went about my morning stuff - put together my pump parts and bottles which were left to dry overnight, toilet break, brushed teeth. Then, panic - why is he still sleeping? Usually if he doesn't wake in the middle of the night, he would be awake by now!
Took my flashlight to his room and I saw him squint in the sudden brightness. Phew, he's alive! Hoho, paranoid mama!
He measured 37.4 deg in bed. After changing his poopy everything and nursing, he measured 37.7 deg. After my breakfast, he measured 37.3 deg. Wth?!
I've decided that I won't give him paracetamol for fevers below 38 deg. So I stuck the cool pad on his lower back and texted boss to say I'd take childcare leave today. She replied about a fire at work this morning - luckily I checked email last night so I told her I'd replied, yay! :p
ZK measured below 37 deg for the rest of the morning. When I woke with him from his second nap, I wasn't too well - my sneeze sounded bad, and the nose was dripping. Already had phlegm and a sore throat in the morning. My morning Berocca had failed!! Think I may need to drink it every morning for good results; did that for two months back in 2008 and I didn't get my usual July/August big bad cold although I came down horrible in November that year..
So anyway, I packed him off to IFC, came home to pump, had foot reflexology downstairs and came home just before the downpour, ran the washer and lay down on the sofa for a nap. But, I couldn't fall asleep! Sito suggested reading one of his books :p I guess I took the wrong book - it was the exec summary but it got quite interesting so I stopped and tried to nap again.
Well, I failed. So here I am... I think I should go read about the population white paper.. I've only read the exec summary and no news. Should really catch up.
Monday, 4 February 2013
My little hot potato
Sighs, ZK is ill again :( So poor thing, and it makes me all flustered too.
When he had bronchiolitis last month starting the weekend before my birthday, I forgot my birthday for the first time since I became aware of birthdays. I was nursing the poor boy on the sofa on my birthday morning - very early morning - and checking Facebook at the same time. I thought it strange that three friends had written on my wall... "What's up?" Then I realised.
Last week, barely a month after his bronchiolitis, he came down with a fever while in IFC. Got a call while I was shopping for shoes over lunch *.* Had to get back to office to get my stuff etc so Mum helped to get ZK. That was also the day when a car plunged into a hole along Keppel Road so I barely made it home in time due to a jam. But I managed to bump into grandma and grandson outside the centre so we cabbed down to the GP downstairs, 10 minutes before closing time!
Doc gave his lungs the all clear but said that his fever would take some three days to go away. And she was right. I kept sending ZK to IFC in the morning but every day around noon or 1 pm, I would get a call. But his fever was very low grade by Friday. By Saturday, nothing.
But strangely, his fever returned yesterday and with a vengeance! He fell asleep at Mum's place so by the time we got back and took his temp, he was at 38 deg, a little warm. Put him in bed with some medicine, but at 11 plus, Sito who kindly went in to attend to ZK woke me to tell me that ZK was at 39.4 deg!
I was so sleepy and so worried. And since ZK was awake already, we gave him some medicine and I nursed him to sleep - first night feed in quite a while.. He woke a few more times last night. Changed his wet diapers once and also his PJs as he was sweating. His fever dropped but stabilised at about 38.8 deg to 39.0 deg.
This morning, seeing that his fever returned higher and that it hadn't gone away like before, we took him to NUH again. This time, everything was clear as well, but we got a different medicine. Doc said he might take five days to recover *.*
I took morning leave and Mum took care of him in the afternoon. Apparently, he was cranky and/or sleepy the whole afternoon. And he went over 39 deg again! I was in a meeting then and felt so sad :( I was so happy when I saw him break into a little smile in the evening!
He's not having a fever now. Hope he'll be all good by tomorrow morning..
When he had bronchiolitis last month starting the weekend before my birthday, I forgot my birthday for the first time since I became aware of birthdays. I was nursing the poor boy on the sofa on my birthday morning - very early morning - and checking Facebook at the same time. I thought it strange that three friends had written on my wall... "What's up?" Then I realised.
Last week, barely a month after his bronchiolitis, he came down with a fever while in IFC. Got a call while I was shopping for shoes over lunch *.* Had to get back to office to get my stuff etc so Mum helped to get ZK. That was also the day when a car plunged into a hole along Keppel Road so I barely made it home in time due to a jam. But I managed to bump into grandma and grandson outside the centre so we cabbed down to the GP downstairs, 10 minutes before closing time!
Doc gave his lungs the all clear but said that his fever would take some three days to go away. And she was right. I kept sending ZK to IFC in the morning but every day around noon or 1 pm, I would get a call. But his fever was very low grade by Friday. By Saturday, nothing.
But strangely, his fever returned yesterday and with a vengeance! He fell asleep at Mum's place so by the time we got back and took his temp, he was at 38 deg, a little warm. Put him in bed with some medicine, but at 11 plus, Sito who kindly went in to attend to ZK woke me to tell me that ZK was at 39.4 deg!
I was so sleepy and so worried. And since ZK was awake already, we gave him some medicine and I nursed him to sleep - first night feed in quite a while.. He woke a few more times last night. Changed his wet diapers once and also his PJs as he was sweating. His fever dropped but stabilised at about 38.8 deg to 39.0 deg.
This morning, seeing that his fever returned higher and that it hadn't gone away like before, we took him to NUH again. This time, everything was clear as well, but we got a different medicine. Doc said he might take five days to recover *.*
I took morning leave and Mum took care of him in the afternoon. Apparently, he was cranky and/or sleepy the whole afternoon. And he went over 39 deg again! I was in a meeting then and felt so sad :( I was so happy when I saw him break into a little smile in the evening!
He's not having a fever now. Hope he'll be all good by tomorrow morning..
While ZK was in IFC and we weren't working..
Now this is super overdue!!
17 Dec 2012
Had my first facial and first massage in a very very long time. And yes, they were good..
18 Dec 2012
Had lunch on my own at Star Vista before a pedicure. Also very good, both of them.
Goemon Japanese pasta - oily but very yummy!

19 Dec 2012
Did a health screening finally! But the stupid clinic totally forgot to call me! I'm going to get the report this Saturday. Enjoyed foot reflexology without ZK for the first time! The boss must be relieved - he used to give me a room just in case ZK started to fuss!
20 Dec 2012
Rebonding. Need I say more? I'm pretty now! :)
21 Dec 2012
ZK wasn't at IFC as it was their year-end cleaning day. But we had fun over dinner with three aunties! Last we had a meal together was years ago, coincidentally also Mexican!
24 Dec 2012
Sito's working day but his office was closed so we had an early breakfast at Wendy's!

Very rare but Sito had an interview that morning - he interviewing Kellogg applicants - and I had a TCM appointment for my numb left toe. Turned out to be a lesson in TCM *.* And I couldn't take their medicine cos it couldn't be cooked in a metal pot - I only have an induction cooker!
26 Dec 2012
Sito's enforced leave starts!
We woke early for dental appointments. But I forgot that I had to pump. So I was very late for my appointment. In fact, I was so late the dentist couldn't see me anymore!! Made another appointment for 31st morning instead..
Nvm, we took photos of me with Samantha :)

Our plan was to watch movieS, yes, movieS with a capital S! :) But first, we must eat - we walked from Clarke Quay to Miramar Hotel for Japanese buffet at Ikoi! As usual, service was slow. So I ordered a lot at one shot. And I think that was our only order.. It was a lot though..
Cute agedashi tofu :)

Then we took a cab to Orchard to catch Wreck-It Ralph - it was so good! But Cineleisure was really crowded and noisy! Holiday season plus school holidays plus a very young crowd..
27 Dec 2012
Set off early to catch The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. Bought the tickets at Shaw and turned back to Macs at Forum for breakfast :p
The afternoon was spent shopping at Ion - we got new shoes yay! And then we had a super early dinner before heading home - ramen! It's hard to eat ramen carrying ZK so...
Here's Sito's ramen in black garlic soup..

And mine, cold, with normal soup, which looks black here...

28 Dec 2012
Isetan sale! I headed out very early to buy things - had a long shopping list of baby things. But I found a pretty top for myself along the way :)
We wanted to get tickets for Life of Pi the day before but after getting our tickets for The Hobbit, the credit card system went down so we thought we would buy after the movie. Of course we forgot about it! The ticket counter wasn't open when I arrived at Isetan so I went shopping first, and... I was still queuing to pay 20 min before Life of Pi began! Worse, one of my items didn't have a price tag so the lady went upstairs to check!! Nvm, I thought, the ticket queue should be close to zero, like yesterday.
Well, I thought wrong. Many people must have gone over from the sale. Or it was a Friday thing. There was a queue for tickets :( When it was finally my turn, I saw from the screen that there were only three seats left! And the couple next to me also just asked for the same tickets! Then guess what, the sales lady serving them told the one serving me to go ahead as I reached the counter first. Phew!
Sito arrived shortly after that - ya, we were both cutting it real close! And then we went in to enjoy the movie - a full Indian cast with a token angmoh :p We enjoyed it. Should dig out the book from our cabinet one day - I bought in back in Oxford..
Having nothing much to do in town, we went home - for a massage! He went for a full-body while I had my feet done. It was heavenly.. Well, for me, at least. He suffered bruise-like pains from the masseur's massage style. I had to rub the spot for him later to relieve that pain *.*
31 Dec 2012
I suggested brunch - love brunch! - and Sito found this place for brunch at Scotts. But that outlet required advanced reservation so we ended up at the outlet at Mandarin Gallery. This Wild Honey is really popular despite the price! We both had hearty breakfast - English for him, New York for me :)
Since then, Sito has been based in Singapore and will be so until March. So whenever he comes home soon after ZK falls asleep, we are able to enjoy some time together. Recently, we've moved our desk from ZK's room to the utility room so we set up shop in there to work on our computers. Actually, work for him, leisure for me :p Or watch movies in bed. I realise it's so nice to have him around. The house isn't all dead quiet like when he was in JB on weekdays. Well, enjoy it while it lasts! No idea where his next project will take him..
17 Dec 2012
Had my first facial and first massage in a very very long time. And yes, they were good..
18 Dec 2012
Had lunch on my own at Star Vista before a pedicure. Also very good, both of them.
Goemon Japanese pasta - oily but very yummy!

19 Dec 2012
Did a health screening finally! But the stupid clinic totally forgot to call me! I'm going to get the report this Saturday. Enjoyed foot reflexology without ZK for the first time! The boss must be relieved - he used to give me a room just in case ZK started to fuss!
20 Dec 2012
Rebonding. Need I say more? I'm pretty now! :)
21 Dec 2012
ZK wasn't at IFC as it was their year-end cleaning day. But we had fun over dinner with three aunties! Last we had a meal together was years ago, coincidentally also Mexican!
24 Dec 2012
Sito's working day but his office was closed so we had an early breakfast at Wendy's!

Very rare but Sito had an interview that morning - he interviewing Kellogg applicants - and I had a TCM appointment for my numb left toe. Turned out to be a lesson in TCM *.* And I couldn't take their medicine cos it couldn't be cooked in a metal pot - I only have an induction cooker!
26 Dec 2012
Sito's enforced leave starts!
We woke early for dental appointments. But I forgot that I had to pump. So I was very late for my appointment. In fact, I was so late the dentist couldn't see me anymore!! Made another appointment for 31st morning instead..
Nvm, we took photos of me with Samantha :)

Our plan was to watch movieS, yes, movieS with a capital S! :) But first, we must eat - we walked from Clarke Quay to Miramar Hotel for Japanese buffet at Ikoi! As usual, service was slow. So I ordered a lot at one shot. And I think that was our only order.. It was a lot though..
Cute agedashi tofu :)

Then we took a cab to Orchard to catch Wreck-It Ralph - it was so good! But Cineleisure was really crowded and noisy! Holiday season plus school holidays plus a very young crowd..
27 Dec 2012
Set off early to catch The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. Bought the tickets at Shaw and turned back to Macs at Forum for breakfast :p
The afternoon was spent shopping at Ion - we got new shoes yay! And then we had a super early dinner before heading home - ramen! It's hard to eat ramen carrying ZK so...
Here's Sito's ramen in black garlic soup..

And mine, cold, with normal soup, which looks black here...

28 Dec 2012
Isetan sale! I headed out very early to buy things - had a long shopping list of baby things. But I found a pretty top for myself along the way :)
We wanted to get tickets for Life of Pi the day before but after getting our tickets for The Hobbit, the credit card system went down so we thought we would buy after the movie. Of course we forgot about it! The ticket counter wasn't open when I arrived at Isetan so I went shopping first, and... I was still queuing to pay 20 min before Life of Pi began! Worse, one of my items didn't have a price tag so the lady went upstairs to check!! Nvm, I thought, the ticket queue should be close to zero, like yesterday.
Well, I thought wrong. Many people must have gone over from the sale. Or it was a Friday thing. There was a queue for tickets :( When it was finally my turn, I saw from the screen that there were only three seats left! And the couple next to me also just asked for the same tickets! Then guess what, the sales lady serving them told the one serving me to go ahead as I reached the counter first. Phew!
Sito arrived shortly after that - ya, we were both cutting it real close! And then we went in to enjoy the movie - a full Indian cast with a token angmoh :p We enjoyed it. Should dig out the book from our cabinet one day - I bought in back in Oxford..
Having nothing much to do in town, we went home - for a massage! He went for a full-body while I had my feet done. It was heavenly.. Well, for me, at least. He suffered bruise-like pains from the masseur's massage style. I had to rub the spot for him later to relieve that pain *.*
31 Dec 2012
I suggested brunch - love brunch! - and Sito found this place for brunch at Scotts. But that outlet required advanced reservation so we ended up at the outlet at Mandarin Gallery. This Wild Honey is really popular despite the price! We both had hearty breakfast - English for him, New York for me :)
Since then, Sito has been based in Singapore and will be so until March. So whenever he comes home soon after ZK falls asleep, we are able to enjoy some time together. Recently, we've moved our desk from ZK's room to the utility room so we set up shop in there to work on our computers. Actually, work for him, leisure for me :p Or watch movies in bed. I realise it's so nice to have him around. The house isn't all dead quiet like when he was in JB on weekdays. Well, enjoy it while it lasts! No idea where his next project will take him..
Saturday, 2 February 2013
New clothes for new year?
The other day, I asked Sito if he was going get some new clothes for LNY.
"Need meh?"
Well, I don't recall him doing that even once all these years.
I asked him if he got new clothes all the time since he was a kid. He wasn't too sure. Probably. Or maybe it's a men's thing; it doesn't matter to him whether he gets new clothes!
I used to get new clothes only during LNY. For most of my schooling years, I remember buying two sets of new clothes every LNY - one each for visiting each grandmother on the first two days - and one pair of new shoes.
It wasn't until I started working that I could get clothes for myself any time of the year. But it's already a habit, to get new clothes for LNY. And it's always a happy thing, to shop for LNY clothes, even though I can now get clothes any time.
I got a simple dress in December and a pretty top last week when I shopped over lunch. Today, Sito got a polo T-shirt - it's now in the tumble dryer. Went shopping after collecting ZK's passport - his first photo ID!!
Anyway, today, Mum confirmed that Sito got new clothes during LNY and here and there too. Lucky boy..
ZK is also very lucky. He has a lot of new clothes! And I think he has some new clothes that are now too small to start wearing! That's what happens when there are too many items to keep track off.. And I tend to keep using the onesies so the shirts get neglected and forgotten.. I hope to clear his wardrobe a bit in the coming week. Do a mini 大扫除!
"Need meh?"
Well, I don't recall him doing that even once all these years.
I asked him if he got new clothes all the time since he was a kid. He wasn't too sure. Probably. Or maybe it's a men's thing; it doesn't matter to him whether he gets new clothes!
I used to get new clothes only during LNY. For most of my schooling years, I remember buying two sets of new clothes every LNY - one each for visiting each grandmother on the first two days - and one pair of new shoes.
It wasn't until I started working that I could get clothes for myself any time of the year. But it's already a habit, to get new clothes for LNY. And it's always a happy thing, to shop for LNY clothes, even though I can now get clothes any time.
I got a simple dress in December and a pretty top last week when I shopped over lunch. Today, Sito got a polo T-shirt - it's now in the tumble dryer. Went shopping after collecting ZK's passport - his first photo ID!!
Anyway, today, Mum confirmed that Sito got new clothes during LNY and here and there too. Lucky boy..
ZK is also very lucky. He has a lot of new clothes! And I think he has some new clothes that are now too small to start wearing! That's what happens when there are too many items to keep track off.. And I tend to keep using the onesies so the shirts get neglected and forgotten.. I hope to clear his wardrobe a bit in the coming week. Do a mini 大扫除!
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