Anyway, back to baby.. He's 3 kg now! If that's accurate, he'll be about ZK's size by 39-40 weeks. But in case it's an overestimate, like ZK was overestimated by 500g, I'm still going to down my beef and dairy all the way to delivery. My two babies had very different diets inside - I had so much beef and milk with ZK, and mostly chicken and pork and soy milk with 小马哥...
He's still not showing his face this week so no picture to show. But he's all curled up inside with his knees drawn and a foot at his face - that foot caused a lot of pain in my right side this morning *.*
Oh, and no more cord around the neck! Finally remembered to ask :p But forgot to ask for cold syrup for me - coughing a little here and there.. Won't be fun with an episiotomy..!
As for me, I gained 700g. Probably difficult to keep my weight under 75 kg by delivery... Oh well... Had a culture done today as well.
My cute belly which reminded me of a dolphin!
Oh, I realised I have not posted my maternity shots from ZK's time... Um, maybe later....
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