Sunday 15 March 2020

Another attempt at exercising

Jo inspired me to exercise. Since Yang decided to stop going for Yamaha, I put on my old New Balance last Saturday but strain them I did not.

I walked across the junction and started a slow jog from BPP. The next junction stopped me - and I was grateful! - but after that, no junction until my destination. As expected, I couldn't go without stopping for a walk every so often. And the drains emitted a strange but not too nasty smell.

I was very glad to reach the hawker centre! In all, I moved for only some 10 min *.*

But no, I didn't go overcompensate.. I only wanted to get some cakes for tea later. With a bag in my hand, I didn't bother jogging back. Who am I kidding - I wouldn't jog back even without the bag, ha! I just did some arm exercises on the way back.

By evening time, I felt a developing soreness. By the next day, it got worse! My thighs were killing me!!!!! Yang and Yu helped by walking up and down the back of my thighs :) I used a massage stick to hit the muscles for a couple of nights, and developed bruises instead *.*

Those darn bruises

Yesterday, I went jogging again. This time, I took the other route to the hawker centre as I wanted to check out the other market. And this time, I went slow when I was tired instead of stopping. And I didn't actually hit the hawker centre - I turned back just before the junction and jogged a little until I hit the next corner. Like before, I did arm exercised after that.

This other market is nearer but smaller. But I think I can go there next time to pick up some yong tau foo, and even bring the kids for breakfast one day - they have toast and prata!

My route yesterday - yes, very slow pace!

Hope to keep this up! Really need to lose some weight and get healthier...

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