Saturday 4 February 2006

Bits of wisdom amid the fluff of mf-ism?

Thought I said something insightful earlier, that the unhappy things in life get to us more than the happy moments, even though we may be happy most of the time. Much like how it's unfortunate that negative news get reported more often in the tabloids, which are, again unfortunately, more read by the masses, colouring people's perceptions, just because they are more juicy and exciting read for many.

So we must know to weigh these happies and unhappies appropriately, ie to think more of the good and quit dwelling on the bad, which will only eat into our very soul and make us feel miserable. It's only human to feel more hit by the negative stuff, but I believe we can turn the thoughts around to focus more on the good things. Then we're happy. Then we infect happiness on people aruond us. Then everyone is happy! :)

Ok, getting fluffy again.. Going to bed.. But wait, one last bit: I'm not saying we should forget the bad totally. No, cos they can be lessons for us, teaching us what not to do next time. Ok, goodnight..

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