Saturday 11 February 2006

mf doesn't feel well

So I'm in now.

Mother is cutting some kind of vegetables now. She just said she bought three bunches of them - three big bunches - for 30cents. Yes, S$0.30. Incredible!! Anyway she's still talking intermittently.. I shall be a passive listener as I type :p

About my nose, I stopped using the nasal spray two weeks ago in preparation for a skin patch test on Wed. As expected, I reacted to all the stuff they used on me! After listening to the doc for a while, I signed my name on the dotted line and became #111 of a clinical trial on sublingual immunotherapy for dust mite allergies.

It's a double blind trial meaning both doc and patient have no idea which group the latter falls into - treatment or placebo. Have a 33% chance of being in the placebo group but I'm taking it anyway, so desperate I am to relieve myself of this permanent cold that developed 15years back for no reason. The drug is already in use but this is the first time they're testing on purely Asian population. Or something like that.. I'll start in two weeks after a final round of testing.

So I'm on antihistamines now, limited relief for the past two days. Today, my nose is telling me this may be more than the usual allergic reaction - much too violent. I walked in a drizzle yesterday, and sat under a fan during supper. Perhaps I've caught a chill.. That's bad!! =(

Anyway, I'm just back from a haircut with Na. Shorter and cuter than the last cut! :) Think I'll go shorter the next time.. Bought some baby hankies to blow my nose with on Dan's advice. It really is softer and gentler on my nose and upper lip! Esp upper lip, so red that Moh thought I needed to redo my "lipstick" *.*

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