What a lovely day it was! Bright and sunny :)
But for some reason, I was so tired that my nap extended to dinner time and I didn't make it for dinner with the girls! L called and woke me when I gave a no-show, and I went back to sleep again *.*
When I finally woke, I decided to make some spring onion pancakes for dinner, and set off the smoke alarm when frying them. Not my day, hur...
Eventually got out of the house at 8.30-ish to meet the girls at Nevins. It was so crowded! But turned out that they went to Prairie Moon instead, which was less crowded. We got our necks a Miller Lite (ewe...) shamrock badge on green beads, and sat around and chatted for some three hours. Then I got tipsy from two beers, oops..
Yup, tipsy already at this point.. One of the bottles was mine. And so was the glass in the foreground!

Friday, thoughts on exchanging emails
Before I slept last night, I saw an email from Sito :) I wrote back this morning. Saw on my calendar that he's flying - has flown - to Bali today. Relaxing weekend!
Anyway, I thought, this exchange of emails is pretty romantic :p It has been mostly SMS and Skype in recent years, especially when we were dating when we would Skype every night. We only use emails to exchange links, photos etc, often without any text in the body.
And then I thought again, it was even more romantic back in the old days of snail mail and carrier pigeons!!
I wanted to go out today but got lazy. After 30 min in the gym, I watched too much Glee and decided to sing my lungs out on Youtube! I figured it was fine since it's beginning of spring break! :p
Back to Glee.
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