Hmmm, I just had a thought, that the home was really alone while we were both gone...
Anyway, so I set off for Madison on Wednesday afternoon. Took my trusty bus to O'Hare to catch a coach to Madison, but I almost took the wrong coach! I'm so rusty now that I haven't been on the road for years, sighs..
After dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant, I bought a dress only to find that the sensor tag had torn the fabric AFTER we got home =( The next day when I tried to make an exchange, we found that all the dresses had that hole - so stupid to tag the sensor on the poor fabric! =(
Other than that, it was all good. We had home-made bubble tea for supper that first night!

The second day was full of activities so we stored energy with Japanese food at Takara :)

Walked an hour to and from the Picnic Point at Lake Mendota. That's me along the walk - the sun was deceiving; it was bloody cold!!! The lake was pretty much thawed after good weather the previous week..

SZ showed me around the university housing area, which I found quite cosy, before we headed for downtown - replenished our energy with ice cream before walking the State Capitol. Joined the last tour of the day halfway and it was good cos the guide was an interesting fellow.
I realised I haven't been taking many pictures of myself in recent years so..

This is just one of the many signs either scribbled somewhere or carried by protesters.

Monona Terrace was next, and from there, I took this picture of Lake Monona, still partly frozen!

We were so tired from all the walking that day! But we still made a quick trip to the Asian grocery store before we returned to a yummy dinner - SZ's lasagna! It was soooooo good :)

Spent the night playing Monopoly Deal and Bananagrams. The latter felt like mahjong tiles :p

Friday was less busy. We had an early lunch at the Mediterranean Cafe - it was so good! Check out my shwarma plate of beef and lamb - it's like the next best thing to Hassan's or Ahmed's..

We washed it down with tea :)

And I threw in a chocolate and peanut butter cupcake for a second tea while playing more Monopoly Deal and Bananagrams!

Dinner was at Bundang. The atmosphere made me expect pub food but the menu was Indonesian. The taste? Well, the food was yummy but perhaps not too authentic - where was the peanut on the tahu goreng??!
Turned in early to rest for my early coach back to O'Hare. Had Macs for breakfast when we made a five-minute stop :p
That was a good trip - lots of food!! :p And I realised it was the first time we got to hang out after knowing each other for more than half of our life! Thanks, SZ! Shall see you in Sg next!