On Friday, we went to Expo for a baby fair, bought small stuff like bottles and wet wipes. The greatest take-away was ZK's looks in the car seat:
He was quiet and looking out of the window..

Then he fell asleep!

On the way home, he seemed so happy :)

But he started crying halfway back *.*
And yesterday, we crossed the 14-hour mark! Woohoo! He napped a record of four hours in three naps since being weaned from the sling. In the past week, I have found that two particular sets of PJs are very good at putting him to sleep - he tugs and pulls at them until he nods off or turns really sleepy. Yesterday, I stuffed the pacifier into his mouth when he was very sleepy. He grabbed on to it and dozed off :)

And when I left his side, he went spread eagle - no space for mama! Grrr!

Baby spa that day was good - we were the first to arrive and by the time we left, the usual crying babies weren't even there yet! But ZK wasn't happy that day; had to have his pacifier..

Turned out that he was sleepy - he dozed off on the way to lunch at Clementi Mall. And when he woke and nursed, Sito took him into his arms. ZK started babbling to Papa :)

The father-and-son bonding carried on at home. Sito read a bit of the preface to Iliad to ZK. Um, great choice of literature??

After good naps the whole day, he slept really well last night! He woke after almost nine hours to feed, and didn't cry until he woke. And even then, he was only making baby sounds while exploring his hands. Love it when he wakes so peacefully. A few days ago, I was trying to sneak in to sweep his room but found him wide awake, exploring his little hands - super cute :) And whenever he wakes peacefully, he will smile and coo when I greet him :)
So I mentioned earlier that ZK can turn onto his left. Finally captured it :) And yesterday, he also turned onto his right!

Went out for lunch with Stef on Thursday and she took some pictures of us. Thought ZK looked fat here! :p

Ending off with a video of ZK taking his afternoon nap yesterday - the pacifier had dropped but the sucking continued!! :p
Now he's scolding his mobiles as usual. Gonna get him before he gets angry... Today will be a stay-at-home day, just relaxing on a Sunday to recharge for the next week :)
Update 4 Nov 2012
We had McDelivery yay! :)

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