Here's the catching game he played with Papa a few weeks ago. He knew how to escape but when he was playing with me, he ran towards me instead!
Earlier this month, he finally managed to open this cabinet. He pulled his milk powder to the floor, and dropped Papa's stash of instant noodles on the floor, oops...

One day, he refused to sit in his stroller. His teacher saw and offered him some wassant. He then quietly sat down. So easy to bribe ah?! He ate the bread on our way out of Chip Bee, and I decided that he should have bread for dinner that evening! So I rolled him to Provence and bought more wassant. He ate bread all the way home :)

His birthday celebration seemed extended, with two more lunches and a dinner that weekend as our cousins were in Singapore. He had a lot of fun at Pu Tien, especially when I put him on Sito's shoulders!

Pose! But why was only Mama looking at the camera?!

Bah bah bah!

Papa, you're my drum tonight!! (Check out Papa's expression!)

Spent some time checking out massage chairs after that dinner at Vivocity. He looks so tiny on one of them!

There are nights when he doesn't roll off to sleep after his evening milk. This is one of the things he does when he rolls around the room - playing with the sockets in the corner and flipping the curtains! And this day, he didn't even finish his milk!

Just last week, I let him hold his PB, Nutella and cheese sandwich on his own for the first time - the whole sandwich!

It quickly became quite a mess... And what's with the pinky, big baby??

I was having fruits and he wanted my apple so I gave him half a slice. He couldn't bite through but he was gnawing on it quite happily. But he didn't forget his sandwich!
How do I eat both at the same time...??

Last Friday, I put him in one of his new PJs and suddenly found myself looking at a little Bruce! Isn't this Bruce Lee-yellow?!

Check out those 剪刀脚! :p He could do quite a mean fast walk with support now. The IFC said that he has been taking two steps for a while! And we saw it last weekend - he first walked to Papa on Saturday, and then to me on Sunday! Only two steps but we were very happy! And he got more brave - on Sunday, he flung my hands away to stand on his own before taking those steps! He fell but he fell with a smile :)
He didn't try walking much when he was very ill the past two days. But just now when we got home and I put him down, he absent-mindedly tried to walk but reached his activity table instead. And when I put him down in the middle of the room, he took two more steps! So happy! :) But his fleshy rounded toe pads would soon be as flat as the rest of us..
Actually, I'm still worried about him. I usually don't think of him at work but today, I did. I wondered if he was still feeling ill. I almost wanted to call the IFC to check but I should not feed my paranoia - they would call me at the first sign of anything wrong. I was so glad to see him at the end of the working day. But the teacher told me he was quite quiet today - probably still not 100% :(
And he's been stirring for the past 30 min. Hope he can sleep better tonight and wake happy tomorrow. This morning, he woke and promptly rolled off his bed - onto me! I was sleeping on the blanket on the floor right next to his bed - no space for me last night. He pushed himself off, looked at me, as if saying, Mama? What are you doing here?! Then he sat up and started whining.
Here's a video with a part showing him sitting on his bed on a healthier morning - super cute :)
A picture for blackmailing my kid - dirty little fellow, and while we were having yummy steamboat?? :p

He was very happy that day. We went to baby spa and he played for almost 30 min. Sito and I thought the staff there liked our little boy more than some others :p
And yesterday, he was quite happy in the late afternoon. Mum took a few photos of him and showed him, asking him who that was. He started patting his chest and belly area - was he saying "me"?? Really?! So cute! :)

Finally, some follow-up on my weaning.. So I stopped breastfeeding two Mondays ago right.. Last Thursday, I thought I would test to see if the milk was gone so I squeezed - three little white dots appeared! Tested again for another two days and I got milk jets going past my arm and shoulder! I haven't done that for ages so it was quite a shock :p Then the white dots seemed thicker. I didn't test the past two days but tonight, there was only one little white dot. Guess I'm finally drying up...
Oh, and I finally got to wear my button-down PJs with the buttons secured instead of kimono style, tucked in! The latter made it easier to breastfeed. All the online advice of buying button-down PJs to facilitate nursing was right in a certain way - not to facilitate exposing just one boob but so that mummies can wear kimonos!
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