Saturday 19 January 2019

Two weeks of primary school!

Just like that, two full weeks of primary school had flown by.

My birthday was the first time I sent Kai to school on 960. He complained. He whined. I should have been more confident about not missing the stop and sat on the upper deck instead coz that was what we did from the next day and the amount of whining reduced drastically!

It was also the first time I wasn't there to pick him up from the school bus. I had to check on him from the camera. I noticed he was at the dining table a long time...

Turned out he dragged N to buy chicken wings with money he saved from previous days!

He had to ask someone for directions to his classroom that day.

The next day, when I was walking him into the school, he shook off my hand suddenly. Why? Silent. Coz other boys aren't holding hands? Ya.. Awww - can you hear my heart break??

But he let me hold his hands again on subsequent days. Think he is still a baby at heart :)

3 days of 960, he "thinks he knows the way" so I stopped further away...

Yesterday, I asked him whether he wanted to go in by the bridge. He said ok. But he backed out a few steps in. As we walked into the school compound again, he decided that he would go by the slope instead of the transport centre. His steps were a little uncertain but he pushed on. Later, he told me he found his classroom but he was afraid he might stray into the secondary block coz he was not supposed to go there.

I'm very proud of him :)

10 Jan marked the first day he had some proper food - pizza - for recess. Achievement unlocked!! When he came home, he bought ice cream from Macs. Gosh..

He had been saving money to buy dominos. He even told him he passed by a shop selling dominos haha! So I eventually got him a small set. Every day, he asked me when it would be delivered *.*

Friday, 11 Jan, he lost his watch. It hasn't been found yet. Oh well!

Life went back to normal this week. He even had homework which he did on his own accord in the afternoon! It was just colouring but good attitude!

He also got his first spelling lists. I asked him if he wanted to score or fail. He wanted to score. But he also said he was lazy! Somehow yesterday he agreed to look at the first list for a while. And then I tested him.

7/8 - great for a first spelling!

He got 8/8 by the second test. And today, he got it all correct too. Really gotta use his competitiveness to motivate him!

Today I found him eating in front of the TV

Turned out that N's friend bought him a big bag of candies when they met at the supermarket and by dinner time when I learnt about it, he had finished almost everything! I had to lay down strict rules to N. With all the junk he's been having in school, he might just become unhealthily fat, grrr...

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