A few loads ago, I even threw some new finger puppets into the machine - so cute :)

But they are nothing compared to ZK - check out his schoolboy charm! This new onesie looks like a school uniform. Just need some dark blue shorts..

That morning, he gave Papa his birthday present one day early - while lying next to him, he flipped! I was doing laundry so I didn't catch it but Sito said he was on his left looking up at him one moment, and face down the next! When I got in, his left arm was still stuck under him - Papa released it for the picture.

He was half smiling instead of frowning as he usually would when placed on his tummy so I guess he was happy to have flipped! But I guess it was an accident - the bed was soft and slanting towards Sito cos of the weight, which made it much easier for ZK to just roll over. Nonetheless, he must have made a great effort as well to go from turn to flip - applause!! :)
That evening, we had dinner at Jumbo to celebrate Sito's birthday so that we could stay in on Sunday :) We brought his car seat to the restaurant and he played in it for a few short blissful minutes while we ate. His jumpsuit or whatever you call that is still a little too big for him...

Ah-Ye carrying him right across from me - perfect time to take a photo of his bald spot under his swirl! :p

Oh, his cradle cap is all gone now. The last I saw of it was maybe a couple of weeks ago - just some small white flakes. I stopped rubbing it with oil for some time. So it's true - cradle cap does go away on its own around this time!
After lunch the next day, papa and son had some fun and laughter over a simple sit-up - ya, don't ask me why but that tickles ZK a lot!

Time for a proper family shot! Think the last time was at his first month! But, what was that expression?!

Went to the baby spa after that. ZK has potential - already going after a pretty jiejie in the big pool!

A reflection of the four similar-sized babies in the big pool - ZK was smiling happily!

With his grandparents at Harbourfront - he looks quite stoned after a good workout!


Took a series of pictures of him yesterday. I'm a cow so he's my little calf :)
Shocked look...

"Bluff you la.. I'm happy!"


"Got you again, Mama!" :)

He can hold himself better in the Bumbo, good enough to hold and

He fell asleep on the way home after my lunch. Must be a comfortable ride :)

I knew he would wake up in the lift - noisy lift voice! - so I took a walk around our neighbourhood. This was taken at a little rest area. I always like to see clothes hanging out. I find it very Singapore and I like it :)

He woke while I was having a bah kwa snack, looking grumpy..
"Of course I'm grumpy! I was so bored that I fell asleep, and now that I'm up, I'm still here?!!"

That day, he also found his toes - he licked one! He used to just lift his legs but now he would use his hands to pull his feet towards his face. He must be trying to do that all the time - in the past week, he has been doing that just before bedtime. I had to use my body to pin his legs down while using my hands to pin down his! That leaves me with no more hand to replace the pacifier and pat him on his chest.. It's quite a gymnastic workout *.*
A couple of days ago, I gave him some tummy time. It had been quite a long time since I did that and what a pleasant surprise I got - he is very strong now and lasts longer on his tummy before complaining!

Today, I placed him on his tummy again, and he looked straight up at me! :)

And the next thing I knew, he flipped! I called Sito in - he was working from home before a meeting nearby - and he encouraged him to flip again and he did! Even though he was starting to get tired of tummy time. Caught it on video :)
I read that it's easier for babies to flip from belly to back than the other way cos they can push off with their hands. But it seems that ZK used his legs - perhaps the weight helped? Haha! Papa and Mama are very proud of him :)
Now ZK is napping. He roused a few times but he's in his second hour now. Let's see how long he can nap today...
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