Anyway, we went to the Gardens again yesterday. This time, we went up the OCBC Skyway. Lucky for us, it was not too hot as it was a cloudy day. The breeze helped too!

Digression: TO commented over tai-tai dim sum on Monday that this was a very torturous position for ZK - so close to the milk yet cannot drink!! :p
Besides the nice views, I was also impressed by this sign - eight don'ts vs. three do's!

Anyway, ZK got fussy somehow.. LS thought that was cute hence the picture ha! Quite funny indeed!

Source: LS
Another picture of ZK crying next to V-jiejie who looked like she was falling asleep, sitting! Eh, ZK, can you do that too?

Source: SSY
Anyway, back to the Gardens - we went to the Flower Dome to cool down after the Skyway. ZK was sitting upright in my sling here. Nowadays he much prefers to be upright. And he knows how to look into the camera, this little poser.. But my dear, what expression was that? :p

He probably looked like that when looking at Nemo too *.*

The baby spa upgraded their single pool - it now has a glass front! Doesn't this remind you of looking through the glass window at a hippo partially submerged in its pond? :p ZK even has the hippo fat folds!

Random food picture :p We had Blackball after the baby spa two Sundays ago!

This is the third time or so that I tried the Bumbo - he's still a bit wobbly in it.. Let's see what happens in a couple more weeks.. That is, if his thunder thighs still fit *.*

Oh, my handsome boy! A bit beng beng with the up-turned collar though..

Check out his 蜡笔小新 cheeks! The eyebrows aren't quite there yet but I guess they will - just look at the parents!

The little towel was there to catch overflowing milk as I was nursing him on our poor bed. Sometimes when I just lie down next to him, he would look at my chest and use his hands to tug and pull at my top - he seems to know that's where the milk comes from! But I guess he knows it more from the smell..
Last Sunday at the grandparents', he slept with his legs over a bolster.. His legs have been everywhere lately, e.g. sticking out of the sling or out of the bassinet *.*

Dad captured some really nice shots of ZK - he can grab things with his legs! Death by chubby thighs? :p

Source: Dad
A big laugh! I've never been able to take such a nice shot - it's just hard to play with him while welding a camera at the same time. He doesn't laugh out loud all the time but when he does, it's really fun to watch :) Yesterday during lunch at the Gardens, he started laughing out loud even though I wasn't doing anything.. Was it my face?? *.*

Source: Dad
Ewe, saliva! Today, his saliva dripped down his chin twice... An indication of more to come??

Source: Dad
He has outgrown his short plain white PJs but he has grown into a few new ones! In fact, I broke out the new PJs about a month too late - not much room for ZK to grow into.. Anyway, this is my fave :)

He still prefers to suck his fingers even though he has found his thumbs *.* Recently, he's been making more chewing lip motions too, especially when he's watching me eat.. Eh, don't bite when nursing hor..
Snot alert! :p

He has been able to remove his pacifier for quite a while now, but this week, he started being able to put it back in if he didn't pull his hand too far away! The problem is he still doesn't quite understand the need to let go so the pacifier keeps coming off :p And when he pulls it too far off and tries to replace it, somehow he ends up sucking the rim or handle.. Quite fun to watch :)
He claps both hands together when trying to grip bigger things. That's how he holds his bottle when we bottle-feed him. Last week, he managed to hold the bottle without support for a brief second!
He can also grip his toys more firmly now, although he still has trouble picking them up from the floor when he drops them as he's always lying on his back - he still hates tummy time! He can get pretty upset when that happens..
He used to hesitate reaching out for new toys but he seemed to take to this rattle instantly. Lucky boy - 左拥右抱 plus kissing another!

Just this Wednesday, I decided to go downstairs for breakfast, taking the chance to accustom him to his stroller. He seemed happy with the twin bears/rabbits! :)

We saw Papa waiting for his transport downstairs. He was still waiting when we were on our way back! Driver overslept *.*

He took a little nap when we got back, in the Sito position :p

Took this on the way to baby spa later. He seemed to put on the curiousest expressions on his car seat!

So that's how ZK has been in the past three weeks or so since I last updated on his development. Now we're just waiting for him to flip over! He's already "spinning" on his bed every morning - I often walk in to find him spun 90 or 180 degrees around. There were even poop stains on his bedsheet outside his waterproof pad when he turned out of its perimeter! Bah...