Saturday 22 October 2005

Carrot is a root, potato is a tuber

That's my science lesson of the day.

Thurs was Kel's birthday - welcome to my age bracket! AND I DON'T MIND I'M HITTING 26 SOON SO DON'T BOTHER SAYING OR EVEN THINKING OF ANYTHING TO SPITE ME. I'll still be nice and wish you happy birthday in this space :)

Anyway, we - Kel, HL, Tok - came out to play last night. Ended up at TCC (again) at Millenia Walk (again). At one point, I was wondering why the surname Wang was pronounced *wank with g* and not waa-ng; the former was so gandang gia!

Kel or Tok: Great, now we have a root AND a tuber!
mf: Huh?
The guys: Carrots are roots, potatoes are tubers..

You see, for as long as we can remember, HL has been known as carrot aka caitao. Then tonight, somehow I was labelled gandang??! But Kel looks more like a potato than I do! See the shape of his

When you're having a good time, time flies. The song 当你孤单会想起谁 was on air as we drove towards Esplanade to drop HL. She and I sang a bit, and it reminded me of JC times, when we first heard this song. So nostalgic all of a sudden!

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