Saturday 21 January 2006


那天早上起床时,就听到某韩剧女主角的一段话。我不知道是哪部韩剧。因为电视在床旁,早上和晚上都零零碎碎的看了些许,象是那女的不知怎的欠了那男的一笔钱,而他便要求与她“契约恋爱” 以摆脱家人的纠缠。典型韩剧吧。可是我蛮喜欢那女生的,有点儿胖,又喜欢烘蛋糕,象我!:p (就连手机铃声都是一样的!Samsung嘛……)



我一直记着这段话。我想,每个人都有自成一套的所谓coping mechanism吧。留学时期就已经发现家务和烹饪对我来说是一种therapy。我喜欢把桌上的文具等重摆,老爱花上大把时间小心翼翼的把每一件衣物熨好烫好,更热衷于下厨。




(I’m too damn slow typing in Chinese!)

Lately, I’ve been having depressing and sometimes morbid thoughts. Or maybe these evil thoughts crawl into my head, a result of a weak mind..? But no excuse for myself! Despite an exhibited optimism to the world at large, I must admit that my innate pessimism (think my sad CDs which I love so much) is beginning to manifest itself and way too often these days.

I’m glad, though, that I have some tools to make myself feel better, to clear my mind. Although I seldom have the chance to cook in the house these days (time and poor adaptability to using only one lonely hob), I make it a point do my own ironing every week or two, weekend mornings, when people are taking the chance to sleep in. This is healthier than years back, when, as a child, I used to dig my fingernails into my arms when I was really upset or angry - repressed kid, no loud outburst, everything was inward. Anyway, that was a passing phase..

Point is, I don’t want to walk around looking like the world owes me something - if I do, you have to hit me on my head! 敲敲敲敲我的头! – or as if I’m the saddest person in the world, cos I’m not. I want to appear happy so people around me will feel happy too, but to do that, I cannot be unhappy internally. Actually it’s a cycle la: if I make myself look happy, I can infect myself too. Right? Yes, I think so :)

Nvm, yet another random outburst due to fiction...

1 comment:

  1. Cheer up yah, i am into some depression too...

