He also decorated with all these weeds and ornaments, not possible previously cos that old fish was much bigger.
Can't help feeling weird looking at the old man in the boat. He was supposed to be part of the landscape thing, with the pretty bridge and the kelong hut. But UNDER THE WATER? He's a dead fisherman *.* And he died grouchy and ugly and true to his trade:

The blessing on the sail obviously didn't help..
And talking about fish, Kel sent me this picture a while ago, "this pic is very you"

So is it a mf-ishy fish or am I a fishy mf..?
Apparently, the association between mf and this fish was made based on the colours - pinkish. I suppose people associate me with pink cos
1) I wear pink stuff - it's pretty and easy to wear and match with other pieces
2) If I were to buy a car, it will be in shocking pink - cos I want something different from the boring black, blue and champagne cars you see every two seconds
3) I like the Japanese language - but pls delink me from all the largely pink kawaii culture. My primary trait is not the pink kawaii type *.* And for the record, I didn't take another O-level subject to be kawaii!
I suppose some people also assume pink to be my fav colour. But if you were to ask for my fav colour, I won't say pink - note that this blog isn't even pink.. In fact, don't think I have a single colour preference; it all depends on the object. Eg I like pink cos it's sweet, but I won't insist on a pink mug, or pink cat, or pink - I don't know - pink cookies! Or I like red cos I find it sexy, but you won't find me wearing red from hairclip to toe nails.. If I have to choose, the most pleasing colour for me will be this particular shade of yellow, bright and light, like a bed of daffodils or daisies bathed in sunlight - nice :)
I'm the Pinky! I'm the Pinky! Heeeee.... Na