YX took me to dinner at Corduroy and Finch after work on Fri. It must be the most enjoyable dinner for the longest time! Fantastic company, great food, lovely ambience..

Source: Website
We went to The Balcony for drinks after that to carry on our conversation. Quite a cool place except that they seemed short handed cos our bill didn't arrive after 20min of waiting..
Talked a lot man! It was ok in the restaurant cos it was quiet but at Balcony it was too noisy and I must have been shouting without realising cos after a while - in fact, after 3-4hours - I felt a dryness in my throat, a discomfort that could spell the beginning of the usual sore throat..
We talked about JC times, our travels, our work, our discontentment, and what to do in Singapore apart from chilling over kopi or drinks for hours on end :p But eventually, our attention was (almost) totally grabbed by the presence of this fluttering thing among the trees outside, by which I mean a moth! But YX said it wasn't a moth; it was a bat. Then we decided that it couldn't be a bat cos it didn't have the tell-tale winged claws. But YX refused to acknowledge that as a moth cos it was too big! Hey I've seen these flying things since years ago when there were short trees on the road between my place and the MRT station, and moths were breeding like, moths! I once saw a tree infested with caterpillars, and on another tree, a huge adult - length of my palm - was sleeping in the daytime! I resolved to check it out! But first, check out my first present!

Lovely right? I feel happy looking at the cheery thing :) I think YX is always spoiling me.. But a girl needs to be spoilt every so often, heh!
Got back quite late and sleepy, but I spent some time at the kitchen window, observing.. It was about 4am and there were two aunties dispensing parking summons to the naughty ones who did not display their parking coupons! They each spent a lot of time assessing the vehicles whose owners would get a rude shock in a few hours.. Thought it interesting..
Anyway, Sat morning - um, late morning :p - arrived and I set about my task to verify the ID of that living UFO. I still can't believe what I did - I searched for pictures of moths! They completely freaked me out but my resolution kept me going! =(
I looked through all the moths here but found nothing quite similar. Decided to check local websites and found something close. I refuse to have that gross picture on this space so check it out here. Chanced upon this too, the last photo is damn scary!!!! =(
In any case, I've ascertained that you can find moths of up to 25cm wingspan so the thing we saw could reasonably be a moth! There, I'm satisfied :)
Er, enough, this is not about moths.. Gosh, I'm so totally consumed!
Did nothing in particular on Sat, just MSN and Initial D before mtg Kel and Moh for dinner at Kovan; the planned jogging in between didn't materialise due to the weather.
Random pictures of the PRs in Kel's car, very cute :)

And jang jang! Bookmark from Kel! :) It's at chapter 7 of my Jap text now..

I slept by 1130 cos I wanted to go jogging on Sun am BUT it rained again!! So I lazed in bed for an hour or so, daydreaming at the ceiling, smiling at my Meh, hiding in my blanket, scowling at the rain, thinking of the day ahead, what else? Can't remember now..
Mother was out getting groceries, the other two were still sleeping. Good time to be awake! Put on the music on my old lappy, set up the ironing board and ironed away! It was like the old days at 177A Iffley Road when it was cold outside so I stayed in to do little chores..
It strangely felt like just any ordinary Sun. Except that I had a dinner appointment after ballroom - rare cos I usually rest on Sun for a new work week. This Mon, I was on leave :)
(A bird incident)
It was raining heavily on my way out. Saw a dead mynah on a walkway. But I was feeling sad for the poor thing for only about two minutes, cos two minutes down the path, another mynah was hoping on the sidewalk, shaking away the falling rain now and then and looking as if it was having great fun!
Caught a glimpse of myself in the glass door while waiting for the train - hmmm, I looked slim! Haha! Wonders of the correct match of clothes :p CY and I went to Cartel for dinner before New Asia for more girl talk, more shouting above the din that resulted in a raw throat again.
Something interesting: we've been friends for 15 years but last night was the first time we shared our crushes from our school days! Really made me wonder what we talked about in our teens.. I remember a while ago, they had four middle age actresses in a campaign advert against breast cancer. My reaction was, omg, that would be us discussing preventive measures in twenty years!
Side: Buay tahan!!! As I'm writing this, Mother is listening to the radio. Host is this guy whom I simply buay tahan! And the guy who called in is a weirdo! "I called and called but no answer and I was shouting at the phone and very angry! And I called earlier to leave a msg but it wasn't play blah blah!" Wtf?!
Monday morning was actually clear! But I was too tired to go jogging =( Lazed a bit before packing the few things on my bedside table (it's actually YQ's D&T table cabinet) - looking much nicer and neater now :)
Took pictures of two other presents! The shawl in the lovely pink is from CY, and the game from Ker:

The shawl will likely replace my current pink shawl (the one I brought to Taiwan) in future trips cos the latter is of fragile material and falling apart =( Mother was very excited at the game, strangely! And I accepted her suggestion to bring to play with the cousins in the coming CNY :)
IS and I went shopping at Level One after lunch. It was funny; we wear vastly different sizes cos she is paper thin though taller than me! Sigh, I'm feeling fat again.. The last time I was drenched in sweat was two weeks ago =(
Finally bought a very nice shirt at Zara just before my massage session. The moment I saw it, I knew I would buy it if I could wear it. And if it didn't cost a bomb. It was $75, quite steep but I thought it ok for a shirt that fits me well. That's the way I shop these days. I don't linger too much in one shop cos I look at things very fast, if nothing catches my eye, move on!
The drizzle graduated to a downpour as I made my way on foot to Amore. I arrived in wet sneakers and socks. Oh, the socks were the kind covering only the toes with a bit of elastic stretching to behind the heel. Sito said they were ball pouch - no, not the football ball *.* Mother happened to wash one pair last week (usually I wash them myself) and she didn't know what she was washing - I was amused :p
My therapist Ivy used a different scrub this time - the smell was heavenly.. The shiatsu massage that followed was one of the best. I kept dozing off here and there. When I walked out, I was feeling happy and relaxed and.. a bit drowsy.. And I found that the rain had abated! Dashed to City Hall before the rain had a chance to resurrect and I was in safe shelter, phew!
Next was Pho House with LS, SX, Jon, SW and Yen. Talked about Oxford inevitably. SW had been back since graduation and she said shops had changed, Cornmarket looked different, yet it was like home.. Sighs.. How I miss the feeling of home..
Dwelt a lot on MBTI; SW just went for a course on it. I think I'm more I than E, as in I draw energy from within rather than from others. And I'm confirmed more J than P - recall my OCD :p The other two, um, fuzzy.. SW said Yen was fluff, and clink! Fluff? I like fluff! Cos I'm fluff too! But we are different balls of fluff la; I'm pink :p
All but Yen went on to KTV at Chinatown. Na joined us after her movie. I thought SW sang very well, and she knew so many songs too! Realised I have become a time capsule; don't know many new songs =( I need more radio - different station from Mother though!
Could not talk much on Tues am *.* So I took a picture of these cute stuff from LS and SX:

I was so amazed when LS said the tissue was cute - she usually abhors Hello Kitty! The two round bottles are moisturiser, they smell totally heavenly, and almost yummy..
So this birthday has come and gone. Nothing too special except that with no intent for celebration, I had surprisingly many well wishes. I don't regret that there was no cake (hence no sin :p), and it doesn't matter that Mother forgot my lunar birthday for the first time (I forgot too.. But she decided to forget about MZ's and YQ's too, and make up to us over CNY dinner spread!) I'm just happy that people remembered me and made the effort to text me something nice, even though it goes like, "you're old! OLD!! Haha!"* Um, well, still, you remembered!
* Nah, I made that up :p
yoooo! sorry forgot ur bdae! i shall type down my wishes for u here: happy belated birthday!!!! may all ya wishes come true, and stay pretty and happy alwayz!!!!!
now muz get ready for the CNY celebrations liao!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!
Hahaha spoiling MF once a year on her birthday gives me the excuse to be mean to her the rest of the year without feeling guilty!!!! *evil grin*
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI have a present: I hate to tag, but I had to search for 5 people to make a meme, and I have choosen you, sorry mf ;)