Sunday 4 June 2006

An entry of unabashed conceitedness

After a super long event log last weekend, I sum up this week's with "went to MoS with an unlikely group last night." :p Cos today I want to write my random mf-ism..

Kel reminded me that I forgot to list this nickname - Perfection, thanks to Moh..

Come to think of it, I'm really quite perfect, and I'll tell you why, starting from the superficial..

1) Looks: I'm nothing like Ashley Judd (I think she's gorgeous!) but hey, I'm far from ugly duckling too ok! A little bit of flesh on me makes me huggable - unless you think a bag of bones is more comfortable..
Why that is perfect: Like the eHarmony thing said, to take pride in my looks but not be defined by them.

2) Intellect vs. fluff: I don't claim myself to be intelligent - some of you did - but I've claimed stupidity before. Still, I think I have sufficiently high brain activity, that is, when it's actually activated. So yes, I'm quite balanced, intellect and fluff, and I think I can hold a decent conversation (if I feel like it and you deserve it :p)
Why that is perfect: You mean you like someone who spews nothing but Newton, state of democracy in wherever, Socrates or Hammer vs. Thunder all the time? ALL the time, are you sure? I say a little fluff amid the gravity of living makes living easier.

3) Interests and activities: Wide range I guess. Key interest is in languages. I really want to speak Jap well and then I'll go on to Spanish. Not sure about French but that's a possibility. Also have a blossoming interest in history.. And it's not difficult to interest me in new things. Eg I'm quite tempted to try this new cable skiing or wakeboarding thing - $20 per hour or two.. Any takers? :) Also a sucker for thrill rides but no heart stopping things like bungee or skidiving for me!
Why that is perfect: Sedentary and active - well balanced! :)

4) General abilities and attributes: Illustrate with examples.. I am independent, adaptable, resourceful, tolerant, and kind when you deserve it; I don't talk down to you (unless you deserve such condescendence), I don't give up easily on important stuff (ie I may give up going shopping on a rainy day :p); and I can do miscellaneous stuff like cooking, ironing, cleaning etc. Oh, and I can read (clear) maps too, important cos soon I can drive too :p
Why is that perfect: Why is that not?

This one is more of an isolated opinion than a reason for perfection but nonetheless..
5) Going on dates: I'll always offer to split the bill. But if the guy offers to treat me, I'm totally comfortable with that as well. Of course I can always make it up with post-dinner drinks.
Why that is perfect: When the girl keep quiet about the bill, the guy will feel paiseh to ask her to split and may also think her too assuming to think that he's treating her. On the other hand, if the girl insists on paying, she's not giving enough face to the frail man's ego! Perfect solution is to be active but go with the flow. Am I smart or what.. :p

Goodness, perfection I am! It's simply nothing less than wonderful to be mf! Though on the flip side, perfection may also happen to be a giant flaw to the less perfect/assured.. Well, I remain the lovely mf with her lovely Meh (also Perfection).

1 comment:

  1. wakeboarding does sound fun, and are you sure abt that $20/hr? that's super cheap!

    i wanna go, as long as being a gd swimmer isn't a prerequisite (i can tread water and move around, but not much else :p)

    too many ppl concentrate on their own flaws or what they don't have...if we all saw how many good things we each have in ourselves, the world would be a more fun place to live in :)

