And then the awkward thing, shall I say, evolved.. We were just happily practising when another teacher using the studio came to us and corrected our posture a bit. Cool, thanks. Later he was giving some tips to Dan and Tru and we joined in. Then suddenly he just asked us to learn under him for competition..
All four of us are currently learning from Shifu lor..
We were like um-ing and er-ing when he asked us to join him for drinks. None of us was keen but we were eventually pressured to go but for a short while. Outside the studio, Tru and I were exchanging phone numbers when he HIJACKED my Samsung and refused to return until we went for drinks so my phone stayed in his pocket for 10min while we drove down..
My poor phone.. *pout and whine*
Later he asked for my phone again, can't remember why.. I wasn't about to let him hijack my phone twice! But Sito offered his in exchange - this one must say: THANKS pal! :)
Funny side: I was supposed to call Tru to leave my number (which I sort of forgot for a while) but she didn't receive my call. She even verified the number I dialled. Later, she called me instead and a different number appeared on my phone: she had given me her bf's number earlier! Super right? And I thought I was the one with pink brains.. ピンクの頭 :p
Anyway, we were lucky for Shifu was having drinks at the same place - he was our saviour! We managed to finish our lime juice - in record time - for courtesy only, and left at Shifu's urging, thus avoiding further awkward moments between the two coaches about the four of us *shudders*
Now amazing part II.. We were on CTE when *gasp* this AE86 overtook us on our right! AE86! With 藤原とうふ店 (自家用) on the side ok! Takumi's car! But no, that was not all; quite immediately Dan saw a S13 right behind the AE86! I knew about AE86 cos of Initial D but I wasn't sure about S13 - it was Iketani's car in the anime.
So I was very excited and asked Dan to catch up with the 86 - I knew he could make it and I was right! We got up to the car in no time and as we passed, I waved hi to the driver :p He didn't see me (and anyway the 0.1 second look told me he was no Jay Chou) but it was fun! Later when he overtook us again on our left, Dan drove up enough for me to take a picture heh.. On my phone la, but it looked something like

Cool, right?? :)
86 was gone after I took the pict but S13 drove up right behind him, again! No time for a pict this time but it was so fun! Heard from Dan that AE86 was no longer produced but a number were made cos of the movie; SG brought in six. And I saw one tonight! Beats any lamborghini any day man.. 藤原とうふ店! :)
Now I want to watch the anime..
Update 9 Dec 05
Told YQ last night about the 86 cos he liked Initial D.
YQ: You lag la, old news and, I've seen more than one already!
mf: *.*
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