My fav tree this year is in the Ritz but I didn't have my camera when I was there.. This is next, at Taka.

The beauties in MoS bathroom! I didn't want to tower over them like a giant so I stooped a bit :p Do you know what it means when I could see the top of 95% of the heads on the dance floor? Heh heh..

They were setting the table while the rest of us were somewhere in the house, fetching utensiles, snapping pictures (this was by kel), eye power, etc..

Show me the money!! I, and subsequently SY when I left the game, had the most money cos I didn't buy much property but I did earn quite a bit of rent from my two railways..

We were eight that day - Kel was behind the camera :)

Tea took place 2hours after a heavy lunch.

Clumsy Santa was on his back, so cute :)

The spectators had just finished their Game of Life and sat around to vegetate. HL had left for a movie by then. I was totally engrossed in the city racing game. Moh must be exploring the city cos I was lost anyway! Tok was snapping about but where was YX?? He came to play later and kept beating me. "Divine intervention" by both YX and Moh didn't help me much; you can see below, 5th of five players :(

When it was determined that I had no hope of ever winning the game, it was dinner, 4hours after tea! *puke*
Oh, passed by a playground on the way to dinner. I hung on the pullup bar for a while but of course I could not pull myself up. Managed to cross a few monkey bars though. Resulted in a horrible ache that had only just subsided *.*
Love your MOS toilet pic. You 3 girls look very chio there =).