Monday 12 December 2005

mf decides!

mf: Let's meet at 730. You prefer Orchard or City Hall? You decide pls.

I had decided the time, and indicated options AND was specific that HE should decide, as I knew I was talking to an indecisive person but I didn't want to make unilateral decisions since it was he who asked to meet up. So all he had to do was to state either and end off with a "see you". Period. But no!

Him: Can la, either lor.

Wtf?! If I didn't state options, I bet he would have replied with "anywhere is fine"!

Is it a guy thing? That they want to appear nice and let their female companions decide everything since "they will veto us and decide on something they want anyway"? I can't stand this shit.

I replied with Orchard AND threw in the exact restaurant to save me from possible further agonisation, eg what shall we eat?!

From now on, I and I alone will decide e-ve-ry-thing. If you can't freaking make a decision of where to eat - you know, it's just food for a simple dinner, not some big occasion involving 300 people with varied dietary requirements - I will call the shots. And when I do, don't just complain that I'm always the one deciding and you don't get to choose; if you complain that you want a say too, jolly well have a suggestion ready!


  1. whoa... cool down girl. it's just dinner... =)

    besides, no point losing hair over men like that.

  2. Totally agree. I also Buay Tahan when someone (it's not just guys) simply refuses to contribute to making some decisions for an outing that They initiated. And then they veto your decision like they already decided a long time ago. Pui. Na

  3. aiyo meifang, relax. frankly, u really shld encourage him to make decisions. from what i've seen, girls like to be given choices, though they'll want to make the ultimate pick. for instance, a guy cld say, "wld you like japanese food?" she'll say "no." he asks again, "wld you like chinese food?" she says "no." and so guy must keep offering suggestions till she says, "okay, i don't mind that. is that okay with u?" Bingo, guy has succeeded in making girl happy.


  4. Have not commented on own blog for a while but I must today: my name is not meifang - omg! I almost fainted!

    Gee, I'll sooner be irritated to death with all the questions! Either decide or ask me to decide. And yes, girls included *.*

  5. harlow, yy here..long time no see... guess he doesn't know u enough? You know sometimes gals are not straight forward even though you offer some choices. But maybe he ought to give one of them and see your reaction before any further steps to be taken... hehe..

  6. hmm.....I wonder if the guy who you met reads this....It would be quite fun to see his reactions.... Also, not all guys are that indecisive. Some guys just like women to take charge once in a while........
