Was on my way to the ladies just now and a yellow door-stopper flew out and landed right in front of my feet. I stopped short, looked left and saw the door to the gents closing. I blinked, and again, and carried on to the ladies.. The door was kept open by a red stopper so I had a full-length view of myself in the mirror.. Look at those hips! Yucks =( And my legs are not very long actually - I measure 169cm today, shoes just 1cm thick. I need to go shopping for more flattering clothes.
But, wrt the hips, in the past month (before Taipei!), four persons commented that I seemed to have lost weight - "you look smaller" Hope it's not just my already non-existent boobs (thanks ah, Joyce Darling.. But I still have, ahem, "accidents" with them) I still weigh the same though.. And, everyone underestimated my weight, I'm delighted :p
Was wearing this necklace from Taipei yesterday and standing under the scorching pm sun waiting for a cab to bring me to my dancing. Then I felt pain on my chest and brought my hand to my chest only to find my necklace burning! Took it off and dumped it in my bag for later.. Anyway waited 25min, was damn pissed! We need more cabs!
Met SL for dinner after dancing; he's in town these few days on business. Didn't eat the fish in No Signboard Seafood cos the nameless fish - just realised it didn't even have a name! =( - just died; it felt "criminal" to eat fish (I had a bite of fish for lunch that day, thought of the poor fish, and almost puked!) Then all 18 of us went to his room at the Ritz just like we would back in Oxford :) - the room was very nice and the view superb on the 26th floor! But my fav was the shining Xmas tree in the lobby :)
Oh yes, Xmas is upon us once more. Recently, two guys told me that Xmas could be a lonely/ sad time for them. But it had meant nothing but party for me all these years; this coming one would be no different.. Unless I suddenly want to go for mass to look see..? Heard some lovely Xmasy songs last night and decided to dig out my Xmas CDs and be joyous! But there is also the classic Lonely Christmas by Eason Chen that I love so much - I'll listen to that as well and be sad. Yes I'm strange!
Attended a very funny (the pastor) and touching (her bro wrote a song for her) church wedding on Sat; Cloud looked so happy and I'm infected with her happiness too - happiness is contagious. Also met a couple of other seniors and learnt that one of them got married some time ago. As of now, I have four friends getting married next year. At this rate, very soon I'll be counting friends who are single instead of friends who are married!
mf-ism is also contagious. Eg XY, eg Na.. Hmm, seems to infect girls only.. It may be YOU, HE or SHE who catches mf-ism but mf-ism will not be called YOU-ism, HE-ism or She-ism! mf is still the giant infector and will remain the primary carrier of all strands of mf-ism.
Now as lunch time comes to an end, I'll end with yet another quiz..

Remus Lupin
You are looking for someone sweet, intelligent, and understanding. Although he may have big troubles to overcome, with you by his side this wolfman will at least have a non-judgmental, loving romance.
Who is your Harry Potter love match? (for girls only)
brought to you by Quizilla
I'm a Hermione, but my match is not Ron??! But well, Lupin sounds like the right dose of excitment! :p Then again, at least Kel, YX and JD might go: what about girls? Cos they think I'm bi, old story stemming from this corporate newsletter thingy, where HR asked me to be one of their "company bachelors and bachelorettes" and to give my take on love in a one-liner. I said my idea of love may not be company friendly - and I never heard from them again! Was relating this to the guys over dinner and somehow the thing about me being able to be BOTH bachelor and bachelorette came about, and tada! I'm bi.. You decide if that's true..
Oh, one more: have you ever seen a roach that sniggers and then watches you as you sleep?? Check out the cute Guo Mei Mei MTV :) Don't get me wrong, I still hate 3D roaches..
Ok, last one, really! Some time last week, I realised I could be easily amused. Some people are so smug, so full of themselves, that I simply let them be while I sit back and enjoy the show they put up based on their misconstrued, self-perceived assumptions. Go ahead, make a fool of yourself for my amusement! *evil like the sniggering roach*
I got Neville!!! -_-"' Na
ReplyDeleteWe know you are weird *YX, JD nod violently*