Friday, 29 December 2006
Happy 2007!
First of all, NY parties! Going to Pump Room with Na this Sunday to 忘年, perhaps with "large amounts of alcohol" :p
A bōnenkai (Japanese: 忘年会, lit. "forget the year gathering") is a Japanese drinking party that takes place at the end of the year, and is generally held among groups of co-workers or friends. The purpose of the party, as its name implies, is to forget the woes and troubles of the past year, usually accomplished by consumption of large amounts of alcohol. A bōnenkai does not take place on any specific day, but they are usually held in December.
A shinnenkai (Japanese 新年会, lit. "new year gathering") is the Japanese tradition of welcoming the arrival of the new year, usually by the drinking of alcohol. A shinnenkai is generally held among co-workers or friends in early January.
Then, 新年会 is on the first day of 2007 at Kel’s with KLK, likely alcohol-free :p And I'm trying out new recipes :)
That will be followed by my birthday weekend. So far, I know of three key events: with Na, Sito and CY. Others, pls take a queue number :p
I’ll be back in the brand new 2007 with um, more of mf! Happy new year, everyone! It’s a great, happy year ahead, I’m very sure! :)
Another happy occasion!
Unravelling miso
Sito: m.. i.. sex/sexual.. orgasm..?
mf: Kek?!
CL: mf is so odd? .. mf is super odd! ^.^
mf: I'm unique la..
But White Dragon got it (almost) right: my imaginary significant other
miso = mf's imaginary significant other
mf likes acronyms :)
Wednesday, 27 December 2006
Happy occasions
1) 玲妹妹出嫁了!
And the first time we met her husband was at their wedding on Sat.. I thought they were very cute, like, so shy! :p
That was the first thing; second was that HL was absolutely stunning when she was all dolled up! Should do so more often, don't waste your potential :)
The couple was of course busy floating from one table to the next, so it was towards the end when we had HL to ourselves for a short while.
When SZ got married, Kel wrote in her card that she had beaten HL to it! We were kidding about how he would write the same in SY's if SY had got married before HL! And for me, I had a joke in my mind that he might as well save the card and sms me, "when can I write in YOUR card?!" :p
2) SY 也嫁人了!
To prevent Kok from objecting to SY's marriage, we showed up only at the end of the solemnisation; we all know of Kok's longstanding crush on the bride, oooh.. :p But honestly, we were just inexcusably late, a full car of six very sorry friends *pout*
Second pretty bride in a month already. I was very inspired; I would go for a bridal makeover!!
The newlyweds were made to sing, and they did - how sweet :) They were almost made to dance too!
Later, we were talking rubbish again. Apparently I had been "upgraded" from ISLB to ISUB since SY, the standard ISUB, is now married..! Then we were driving past Changi village when we started talking about transvestites and how pretty they could be. Somehow the guys asked Kok to choose between a transvestite and me.. I stared at Kok :p Then when they learnt how they grew breasts, they offered to get me oestrogen for my birthday! Gaar!
PS: Sadly, no pictures.. My camera died just before HL's wedding and when it was revived, I forgot to charge my battery for SY's wedding! Will you girls send us photos, pretty pls? :)
Tuesday, 26 December 2006
Took this test at CY's place last Sat:
You are the World
Completion, Good Reward.
The World is the final card of the Major Arcana, and as such represents saturnian energies, time, and completion.
The World card pictures a dancer in a Yoni (sometimes made of laurel leaves). The Yoni symbolizes the great Mother, the cervix through which everything is born, and also the doorway to the next life after death. It is indicative of a complete circle. Everything is finally coming together, successfully and at last. You will get that Ph.D. you've been working for years to complete, graduate at long last, marry after a long engagement, or finish that huge project. This card is not for little ends, but for big ones, important ones, ones that come with well earned cheers and acknowledgements. Your hard work, knowledge, wisdom, patience, etc, will absolutely pay-off; you've done everything right.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Thursday, 21 December 2006
I confess my deepest fear
The first time was when I was 13 or 14. Everyone was having dinner, including little Ting whom Mother was taking care of at that time. No longer remember why but I wasn't at the table. I looked on from the side like an outsider; they looked happy without me.
Then I was 20 or 21, at one of those memorable yet forgettable gatherings at Gloucester Green, memorable cos they were (mostly) happy; forgettable cos that's just how it's like when you spend happy times with friends. But in one unforgettable evening, I found everyone talking in small groups and l couldn't fit in anywhere. Loneliness had suddenly hit when it hurt most.
26 now, and I was once again haunted by this terrible feeling. But being 26 (and going to 27), and I hope, with a bit more sense between my ears, I'm looking upon all these incidents, optimistically, as a lesson for me, a lesson that I should have learnt through other less significant incidents but that has never been more clearly etched in my mind than lately.
In the end, I must be the most dependable person to myself. To become that, I need to grow up, I need to be stronger. And - I've never done this before but I've also been too naive and taking things for granted - I need to harden myself a bit more so that I'm no longer easily affected by external factors or haunted by the ghosts of the past. I should also stop clowning myself; no point doing all the above only to have people not take me seriously or taking me for granted.
I look deep inside me for the strength to help me do that.
Friday, 1 December 2006
CY's very happy birthday
That's JK with my egg mayo..

That's CY and mf showing off melted choc on Gardenia!

"Put your head on my shoooulder.."

CY: Can't get FM93.3..
mf: I try... There..
CY, JK: Got to hold it leh.. Statue of Liberty!
mf: Where's the Declaration?
*Chums pass newspapers to mf*

CY's rabbit pose with mf's brandmark pose

JK's "omg" pose with none other than mf's brandmark pose again!

Aiyoh so cute! :p

I have a wicked caption for this but nvm! :p

Can't help but feel like a sneering hyena!

Wa liao, I've never seen CY looking so.. dodgy!

Des joined us at Coffee Beans

First we tried to smooch..

Then we hugged! (And almost broke my back)

And the guys did a copy-cat..

We cycled to Des's Chalet. The guys helped CY with her bag and looked like a couple of aunties :p

Hardly a year went by without me assuming some ghost pose *.*

A decent shot.. But that doesn't look like JK's hand..

And we went crazy again!

Des: Come, take a photo..
mf: Ok.. Boy, I feel thin next to you..
And I get my retribution..

(I cheated; I cropped this one - shorts were, um, too short to cover my big fat thighs! :p)
Ok la, a proper one.. (Really, I'm thin here right? :p)

After gorging the whole day, Des couldn't take it and started foaming at the mouth..

CY and I were rather tired the whole day but it was so much fun! :) We should do this again, maybe my birthday? Oh d'oh, you just hit 26 and I'm on the bullet train to 27 already :p
Sunday, 26 November 2006
Late Friday madness
But yesterday, um, two days ago, I had a great time though I ended late. CY messaged me at 9+ when she left work so we met for a late dinner in J8. I ordered a chicken foldover minus mayo but got one with mayo. I didn't notice and took a bite at one corner before the chap found me, gave me the right one and dumped the wrong fella!
Anyway, that's not the point. We were both so tired but it seemed that laughter (and nonsense) would not desert beaten bodies and minds..
Warning: girls' talk and morbidity ahead..
1) I'll call this human anatomy..
Told her about this 13-year-old who got pregnant and her 16-year-old bf who was likely headed for the boys' home. Imagine, 13 leh! And some 30-year-olds are still virgins! I recalled a conversation with SZ many years back that it was amazing how kids knew how to have sex.. Survival instinct?
Topic veered to our, um, first period, which we recalled with much amusement.. We did have nurses going round the primary schools talking about puberty and distributing pads before that but well they didn't seem to be too effective cos when the inevitable really happened, we were like, "Oh no, what's this? Am I going to DIE?!" :p
CY told me this schoolmate was saying that every time she did standing broad jump, she thought her pad would fly out! That just sent us into fits!!
2) And this could be nothing but morbidity..
Thought of this suddenly some time ago in the bathroom. Maybe cos I've always been paranoid about slipping to my death or worse in the stupid bathroom.
Nowadays, the only contacts we have of friends are (a) mobile, (b) email, and (c) MSN or equivalent, unless you're close enough to have the home number. Then if I were to die suddenly, many people would not know cos I sure as hell could not respond to your beeping! And knowing the mother, she would sooner switch off my mobile.
And CY said a friend cancelled her landline cos no one uses it! There..
So, my dearest friends who have the house number, pls leave a comment in this space if you realise my demise.. I mean, no one reads the obitraries every day right?!
That led to pictures in obitraries. She would take a photo with Mini her dear rabbit and of course I would take one with my Meh. And btw, if I die, pls place Meh next to me.. I'll take her with me to sayang..
Suddenly inspired to come up with a will..
Getting too late and too full of nonsense.. I should sleep.. tired but it was a very happy Sat - will blog when pictures are in.. Happy birthday, CY!! :)
Thursday, 23 November 2006
In the red
body treatments: $2,000
Pinky: $1,000
Kyushu: $2,300
Other big cheques coming up:
Japan, the free-and-easy after Kyushu: $1,500
Insurance and savings plans: $4,200
Total: $11,000
Then the news came: year-end bonus of 2.2 months. Combine that with the 0.5 month in July, and the performance bonus in March, I have a slight deficit.
Think I should review my spending habits for 2007..
Total, including insurance and savings plans: $9,200
I'll incur less if I stop having those giant pimples - better start drinking more water!
Tuesday, 21 November 2006
Na: I have a whole face of them..
mf: Is that painful?
Na: What do you think?!
Gosh.. I honestly didn't realise that the whole face could hurt from pimples! I have hit a high of four now, in the shape of a inverted cross - one giant on the forehead, two by my lips and one new giant on my chin..
Sito: Everyone has a fixed number of pimples; you haven't had many in your teens so they're all coming at you now!
Oh no =(
Btw, White Dragon has deciphered miso correctly! Was surprised when I saw his sms cos I thought the first correct answer would come from a girl.. Come on, girls!
Monday, 20 November 2006
Bye bye and welcome
Yeah yeah yeah! :)
In the pm when I finally had a bit of time, I thrashed all remaining documents in my old laptop and clicked on "shut down". Suddenly, I felt sad..
Sighs, she has been a good girl =(
Bye bye, my good old girl..
Tuesday, 14 November 2006
Introducing miso
Think I prefer to talk with myself than simply to myself. Hence I created a twin for mf. Let's call her miso. You may speculate on the meaning but she is not the soup.
The first conversation with my identified other..
mf: The day off diet sounds interesting.. My day off could be Fri or Sat..
miso: You mean once a week you take a day off bingeing to eat healthily for once?
mf: *.*
Expect more of miso..
The halfway mark
So I've served half my bond. THAT, is worthy of mention :)
Back again..
And within two weeks of indulgence at lunch, I managed to convince myself to do something that I have been procrastinating - jogging in the mornings!
I started last Thurs when I only had to be at work at 930am at a seminar. I kept it up on Sat, and today, I went again and arrived at my workshop before 9am. The timing is perfect. I shall no longer start work at 7+ or 8am every day! I'll jog! :)
Saturday, 28 October 2006
I'm starting to see age showing on my face.. Very scared ~.~
But now I'm more hungry than sad, off I go!
So, one day, I picked up a call to hear a giggling colleague..
A: In your email subject, what does f/u stand for?
mf: Follow up..
A (to B in the background): FOLLOW UP!
*B took over phone**
B: A thought you were scolding me..
mf: *blur* Huh? *A and B laughing at the other end* .. .. Oh dear! I didn't think it would be mistaken!
B: A is too free..
A: I thought you were scolding B..
mf: If I wanted to scold him, I would use capital F!
A: Haha, I'll tell him that!
On retrospect, I think I'll just spell it out in full :p
Visiting Grams
Haven't really chatted with her for some time, cos usually the elders were talking and the only communication between the generations was on food. That day, it wasn't too different actually..
Grams: I'll fry an egg for you..
mf: No need, this will do..
Grams: Just chicken with ginger?
mf: No problem! :)
Grams filled my rice bowl with a lot of rice and steamed pumpkin. When she went for another scoop, I almost forcibly grabbed the bowl away :p Of course I didn't cos she heard me say "enough!"
We were sitting about after lunch..
Grams: You want bee lok? ("Milo" in dialect..)
mf: No need :)
Two seconds later..
Grams: Pomelo? There's some on the table..
mf: Really? Ok :p
But besides food..
Grams: How long have you been working?
mf: Three years.
Grams: Oh, so three more years to go..
Grams remember the length of my bond! :)
I realised my Hokkien was getting real bad.. Also noticed that Grams seemed to have aged a bit.. But she is still very cute la, this Grams of mine..
Grams: You're not fat.. until you're old..
mf: *.*
Grams: Then you cannot help it.. See? I have two big layers here..
And she went on to pinch her upper and lower abdomen! I touched - soft :p I guess I could deal with that at her age, and with such a lovely grand daughter, ha!
Her birthday is coming, we're celebrating on 5 Nov, a Sunday so everyone could join in. I learnt that she was born in the year of the pig, which made her 83 this year or 84 going by the lunar calendar. I always thought she was born in the year of the chicken, must have heard wrongly last time.. :p
Went by Polar to chat with Aunt on my way back to office. Uncle and family should be getting the food. Aunt hasn't made plans for the cake yet so I offered to get the cake with Yan. How exciting! :)
Did you see mf?
Some time back, Mediacorp came by the studio to film for a production, which was finally aired. JK helped me record - thanks :) But I don't know how to upload the DVD :p Anyway, it's only a second of me. And I think I wasn't even smiling *.*
I was inspired to look through my dancing photos and found a cool one from the competition:

It was tango :) How? Fierce not? Grrr...
And a group photo of some of us after the comp - hot auntie next to me ok..

(Oops, organisers were rushing to clear the venue for a wedding dinner :p)
Update on Tomato Town

I always think clothes hanging out of a flat are something unique to us. There's at least one picture of that at Fabric of the Nation - I like :)
Had some fun another Sat watching the birth of a new floor..
Before, just a mesh of mess..

Filling in the gaps with fresh cement from a mixer.. Thought it looked poo-y :p

Tidying up using what seemed like a household scrub..

And dried!

The following week, they started to build the lift shaft on the other side.
You may find these photos a bit "huh?!" but I'm very happy! Every little progress is bringing me closer to my room, closer to sanity :)
mf: Eric, you put on some weight!
Eric: Mean!
Jens: You look the same..
Gee, and I thought I lost weight since then.. Bad karma from being mean to Eric :p
Our first stop was to refuel with dim sum, marking the beginning of three days of decadence.. The first time we went to Liaison (or Liaisons?) in Oxford for dim sum, Jens was frowning at the thought of eating chicken feet but when he tried it, he loved it!
We walked around the Tanjong Pagar and Chinatown area where we visited the Chinatown Heritage Centre (I like but no photos) and found this:

More recently, I happened to walk down a spiral staircase at Scarlet Hotel cos the only lift broke down.. I like spiral staircase, pretty, but it's not too fun to walk though..
We walked all the way to the entire (really!) City Hall/Suntec/Esplanade area, passing by the bridge whose name I forgot - the one that divides North and South Bridge Roads - and took this picture:

If you look carefully, you would have seen that the buildings on the right are a bit crooked.. Think it was something to do with Jens's camera cos I'm pretty sure these buildings are straight!
It was a short day as they were tired from the travelling and the walking. When I parted with them after dinner and was waiting for my train, I bumped into Jo and CS. Thought it an odd coincidence: Jens came from Germany, Eric from KL; Jo is working in KL and CS is German.. Anyway, key is I got to see and touch Jo's tummy! Six months already, how exciting :)
After breakfast at a hawker centre the next day, we went to ACM cos they were flipping brochures and found something interesting. Of course ACM is interesting! I like too :) But it wasn't opened yet when we got there!! We left ACM and were walking along the river when we saw the police bring up a dead body ~.~ How scary.. We promptly left for Orchard..

This was all over Orchard Road. By Kusama Yayoi who was also the one who did the Stairway to Heaven I posted earlier.
Somehow I like the red and white polka dots, so happy :)
Spent some time in Borders and Kinokuniya where they bought some books and gifts. Eric found "Men to Avoid: A Survival Guide for the Romantically Frustrated Woman".. I could only remember one type of men to avoid: men who read girls' books like this!! Oh, Eric.. *shake head* We split our sides laughing, dropped the book and left :p
Jens wanted to try fried kway tiao so we went to Food Republic for king-sized servings and king-sized prawns! I didn't have it cos wasn't hungry but promised to treat myself to it the next time (which was a few days later :p)
Checked out the Opera Gallery, saw some interesting pieces by Salvador Dali there. But I was attracted to this and Jens took a picture:

I'm going to pin this somewhere to remind me to never allow myself to balloon!
We had gelato - I made up for my usual Children's Day treat :) - before going back to ACM in the mid afternoon but I was too tired to walk so I sat in the lobby while they explored the museum. Chatted with a PRC lady while waiting - disrupted my nap but she was quite interesting and inspired me to think about what I would like to do ten years from now..
Trigger-happy outside the museum cos it's me :)

And that's us!

We were beaten but we bravely carried on to Little India for the lights. Had some weird prata and I decided that Jens must try to the real stuff! We cabbed to the Upper Thomson one for dinner #2 :) And there was this foot reflexology place nearby so we went in to nurse our poor feet though Eric opted out. It was slightly painful for me, a regular, but Jens didn't even flinch! Was the uncle kind to him? Hmm..
It rained on the third and last day. We tried to do the Biennale route but were trapped in the Chinese temple for a while. I picked a chiam :p Hey, I'm starting to believe in this cos this chiam and the lot I got in Asakusa last year actually said the same thing!
Sent Eric to the train station before sending Jens to Changi. Jens brought me some souvenirs from home - so happy! Lovely calendar prints of Cologne and Cornwall complete with a feminine touch in the form of an EDT - danke! :)
Was talking with Jens about our countries' low birth rates and how some like the Nordic countries had TFR of 1.8. We hence parted:
mf: In case we meet only three years later, take good care!
Jens: By then, we'll have 1.8 TFR!
So nice to see them again, seems like yesterday when we were mugging in the library, running programmes and codes in the lab, having ramen at Edamame, cruising the motorways in Cornwall.. Sighs.. Old already la :p
Don't know when I'll meet Jens again - Germany is damn far! - but I'll be going to KL next March! That's me, planning for trips so far ahead.. In fact, I've decided to go to Japan in next Sep for Miki's wedding, even before my Japan trip this year has been confirmed!!
Thursday, 19 October 2006
This is an interim note..
No time to blog lately, too tired to even write on my Pinky on the bus. In fact, I cabbed back most nights so I'm poor too.
When I'm back, you'll see my Children's Day story.
Saturday, 7 October 2006
Hazy full moon
When I stepped out of office last night, I thought I was in the clouds. Smelly clouds. The haze was really bad. I looked up to see a big yellow moon. They said the moon this time was really big - they weren't kidding! But in two seconds, a wisp of cloud floated past the moon. Black cloud ~.~
Waited 30min for the freaking bus. Quite pissed not just cos of the waiting time. It wasactually quite scary alone at the bus stop with the haze floating in the air..
On the bus, I heard from mobile TV that the pollution level had hit 80.
Hung around the shopping centres for a while. Was glad for the late night shopping venues but didn't buy a thing. It was late but the serious shoppers were still fervent. Was in no mood to rub shoulders with them lugging my laptop and a big bag.
Settled in Cartel at Cineleisure. Had a frappucino while I read a report. Decided on a piece of cake too. It was almost midnight when I cabbed down to meet CY with a muffin treat.
The haze was in the CTE tunnel too.. Visibility was quite bad but I managed to make out CY's silhouette as the cab got to her workplace.
A weird Mooncake Festival for her too, no lanterns. We had spent many Mooncake Festivals together, chatting under the moonlight with lanterns by our side. But this year, we couldn't even see the moon when we got out of the cab!
Spent a happy hour chatting at the bus stop before parting. I thought I wanted to jog this morning. But I woke at 7am and saw the haze outside. And the horrible smell. I went back to bed. When I woke, news said that pollution level had hit unhealthy level at 100+. Which meant I wouldn't jog tomorrow too. Getting fat *.*
You may have noticed my short sentences. Feeling quite stoned, that's why. Can't believe it's 5pm already.. Sat is almost gone!
And so few responses to my questions below? I am *sob sob* heartbroken..
Wednesday, 4 October 2006
Being Singaporean
1) If there's a next life, do you still want to be Singaporean?
2a) Why?
2b) If not, what citizenship would you like to be born into?
3) Is nationality even important today?
PS: Even if you're not Singaporean, it would be nice to hear from you, be it about your nationality or about being Singaporean..
Friday, 29 September 2006
Found it!
Was chatting about my single unattached status. Friend was right, that I'm not actively "patrolling". No time, no energy, and how do you keep a lookout? Especially when I'm always out with the same kakis.. Um, NOT them!
So how? Rely on friends? Sito tried, twice. Kel gave an intro of someone I wasn't interested to meet. And the other day over dinner at the boss's place, they turned to me suddenly and asked about SF's (matchmaking) project on me - not working too!
Really, I'm beginning to think it's all about luck. I mean, what's the chance of finding someone you like and who likes you too?
This is where, for once, I would like to revisit my, ahem, profession..
It's a series of events: two persons must first meet, somehow develop good feelings for each other, and at least one party must follow up, right? Assumed so, we have:
= P(A meets B, and they like each other, and either A or B or both f/u)
Now let's make a couple of assumptions here:
1) All are independent events cos my wee brain can't deal with too many conditional probabilities!
2) Probability of meeting someone is 3/7; I take it that people socialise about half the time, mostly during weekends.
3) Probability of liking someone is 1/3, since we could like or dislike someone or have neutral feelings. I make it even so as to account for varied expectations of people.. Um, guesswork, really :p
4) Probability of f/u is 1/2; similar reasoning as (3).
* At one point while composing this, I had a mathematical block and sent a desperate SOS to Kel: what is P(X∩Y)?? If anyone knows, it's Kel. Why? Just the other day, he suddenly told me he managed to derive the coefficient of restitution. We're indeed a bunch of geeks *.*
So, by these assumptions,
=P(A meets B)P(they like each other)P(either A or B or both f/u)
=3/196 = 1.53%
Kao! I thought it would be low but this is really low!
Ok, let's replace assumption #2: either A and B have met or people meet people everyday ie P(A meets B) = 1!
=P(they like each other)P(either A or B or both f/u)
=1/12 = 8.3%
Still low but less scary. I gather that meeting more people is the main hurdle ie the higher P(A meets B) or P (A meets BCDEF) is, the higher P(couplehood) will be!
Oh btw, that's only P(couplehood); I'm not even calculating the odds of getting married yet, you know, getting through arguments, long distance etc..
= P(getting through every piece of shit conditional on couplehood)
= P(getting through every POS during couplehood)/P(couplehood)
We know P(couplehood) is small. So if P(getting through every POS during couplehood) is not too much smaller than P(couplehood), I say we've got a match! :)
And, P(getting through every POS during couplehood) = ..?
Gaaar! Had enough maths for the rest of 2006 at this point! :p
Kao, 走火入魔-ing in my work already..
Wednesday, 27 September 2006
Let's take a walk!
That was the previous Sunday - no time to log this last week. Arrived at 720am and finished the cross country route by 810am, timing included a wrong start and a toilet trip so..not bad! :)
But that's comparing to myself, cos KF didn't even sweat while I was panting like a pig *.* That guy has zero ounce of fats, as he proudly proclaimed in Avignon or some quaint French town 6+ years ago - and it's amazing that it's still true today!
Anyway, was reminded of that walk from HV to MacRitchie which was accompanied by some strange farting sounds from the trees along Lornie Road. No answer to that mystery yet..
KF had a diving lesson and left. I whipped out my breakfast - peanut butter with overdue wholemeal bread (won't die la! :p) and worked my jaws as I watched aunties and uncles and ahmms and ahpehs taking their morning stroll. One middle-age woman was playing Sudoku at a bench - on paper, tough! I used to play the NTUC version here but it's no longer free..
Energy replenished, I invited myself for a walk - the TreeTop Walk :)
First thing, to the map. Then I happily walked off, passed this sign..

..and turned RIGHT!
Reached the beginning of the Lornie Trail before I realised I had just jogged that way and not seen any sign leading to the TreeTop Walk..
I revisited the sign and cursed out loud *.*
It must be quiet in the forest - not sure cos had my radio on. There weren't too many people around. Walkers/Joggers were commonly in pairs or groups. In fact, I didn't see many sole walkers like myself.
I actually spent so many hours with myself that day! Realised there wouldn't be any solo trip this year like last year so this could count as my 2006 solo adventure :) I was reminded of Samsoon (Yes! My lovely Samsoon!) who went up some mountain in one side-splitting episode.. Recalling Na saying she couldn't spend too much time with some people, I was thinking the worst thing would be that you couldn't spend time with yourself.. Wow.. Revelation..
Didn't speak much during the walk. In fact, I spoke five times between 810am and 230pm.
1) "It's just ignoring us!"

Cute little thing just perched itself on a bit of stone. And posed. Angmoh couple walked by and took pictures too. Super dao monkey.
2) “Uncle,自然保护区是不允许抽烟的!”
I let enough things pass me by while I did nothing about it. This time, I wanted to do something. So after walking away for 5sec, I turned back to tell him off! Next time, I'll wait for smokers to snuff it out before I leave! Hate it when people pollute fresh air!
3) "Um, thank you.."
That was to the kind uncle who offered to take this picture for me when all I wanted was the sign above my head..

And it turned out crooked :p Nevertheless, I was happy with it - finally a picture showing off my 13-year-old Anderson shorts! :p
4) I took a picture for his group as well before chatting with the ranger for a while. 200-500 pass by each weekday, 500-1000 on weekends. The record was a 600-person group that took some hours to cross through! Cos the bridge takes only 30 at a time. "It is a very strong bridge but we limit the number so that it's a more enjoyable walk."
5) "Excuse me.. Where does this lead to?"
Almost thought I was lost at one point.. Cos I saw a sign that read 9.3km. I had no idea if that referred to the length of that trail or the distance covered on that trail - turned out to be the latter. Don't be mistaken, I really enjoyed the walk but I really needed the pee room too :p
Back to the highlight of the walk.. Switched off my radio so I could enjoy the sounds of the forest. The sun was warm on my skin and I took a nice long stroll at canopy level, snapping pictures as I went along..
See this beautiful blue bug! "Ewe! Bug? Beautiful?!" Well, it was far enough to be beautiful..

The tall tree had been installed with a lightning protection system to reduce the risk of being struck..

But the poor tree must have done something wrong.. It looked as if it had been 天打雷劈-ed already!!

After leaving the trail, I decided that with my radio off, I was in a better position to seek a connection with nature without the soapy pop songs. And I also decided that I should be natural since I was so in touch with nature by then (ya, right..) so..I let my tummy out! If you know me, you'll know that I usually keep my tummy in to look thinner *sheepish* But I realised that I seemed to be taking a bigger effort letting it out than keeping it in.. Guess I'm too used to keeping it in..
Saw this old bridge before reaching the end of Lornie Trail.. It read Angie's Bridge or something. Wondering if 81 was the year it was built.. So old! Curious but found nothing on it online..

Was glad I chose not to take the easy way out by turning out onto Lornie Road (and bussing back) cos I saw my 红蜻蜓 along the jungle route!!

Wait, aren't all dragonflies red? :p And is that a baby one? Anyway... “飞呀飞呀!看那红色蜻蜓飞在蓝色天空,游戏在风中不断追逐它的梦……”
It started to drizzle along the way but I was nicely sheltered :)

And found some cute mushrooms along the way..

But the baby monkeys at the end of the planks were way cuter! :)

It was a Sunday morning well spent, better than lazing in! But doubt I'll do the same walk any time soon.. Think my next walk will be 小桂林 :)
Monday, 25 September 2006
总觉得这个星期六有点怪怪的。早上跟老妈买了台电视后,就自个儿闲逛,闷闷的东看看、西看看,还买了件颜色好看但整体感觉不是很喜欢的上衣 - 反常。逛了整个J8,就跑到新的Bishan Community Library读自己带来的书。看了几章,却闷了,想回办公室(!!!)又不想等车,干脆走回Tomato Town吧!
短短二十分钟的路程,想了一大堆乱七八糟的东西。象今天这么闷的周末,以后应该多得是,不想说话或懒得会友的时候该找些什么事情来做做,填补时间。在我小小的房间未完成之前,屋里没有我安静落脚的角落。学钢琴吧!一直都很喜欢的乐器,从来都没机会学。又想过健康生活,想找个pilates instructor整整自己的坐态走姿。可最近又花了大笔钱,很快要去日本旅行,加上每月$200左右的舞蹈学费,没法上一堂$60的钢琴课或每小时$100的pilates。
回到屋里,也只是上个厕所,又往外跑了。这回,是到附近的戏院碰运气。刚好《夜宴》在三十分钟后上映,就买了票,然后去书局看看,也算是碰碰运气吧!没想到,近一个月前相中但因想等别的颜色而没有买的包包现已成为我囊中之物 - 好开心!那次以后,我跑了很多间店都找不到那种款式,近乎放弃了。这次却在我毫无期待的时候出现,让我倍感开心。只是这种寻而不获,又不期而获的事,让我感觉走好运的同时,也隐隐感到一丝不安……
谈戏吧!我不怎么喜欢章子怡,可是有她的戏,片脚总不会太差吧。结果?我很满意!已经很久没看象《夜宴》那样 - 怎么说呢?感动?- 的电影了。除了优美的场景,颜色的运用,许多对白更是让我寻思的惊言!其中,映象最深的一段对白,是章子怡和吴彦祖的说话。没法上网google的我只能凭记忆大略重述:
不只音乐,就连演员的声音也让我沉醉。原声带应该没有吴彦祖的说话吧?我喜欢他的声音,沉沉的,measured tone,有一种吸引力。周迅的声音,我一直觉得很特别,可惜她在戏里的话不多。
Friday, 22 September 2006

I was instantly reminded of this nightmare last night! Busy but was compelled to drop all work to write about it! (Oops..)
Was in a dim room, looked like some hostel. I was desperately separating my stuff into wants and dumps. Already had a full suitcase sitting on the floor with two small backpacks.
All my stuff were in two decks of some kind of brown shelf that looked vaguely like my old cot (which was blue) or the goods shelves in Grams's provision shop (ya, those were brown). Anyway, the shelf just looked damn old.
Don't remember the things I kept but I dumped a lot, including the egg cups. One of the cups broke as I mindlessly dropped it among the dumps. The sound startled me and I turned back, saw the broken cup and felt a huge pang of regret..
But I had a flight to catch in two hours! I turned back to continue packing. Decided to utilise my black suitcase with a broken wheel.
And the strangest thing was, all the time, MZ was just sitting behind me, watching..!
I remember saying to her or thinking that I would leave the remaining stuff in UK (somehow the venue revealed itself) with MZ (why was she there?!) and I would have to make a trip back to collect my stuff or trust her to bring back for me.
And..I couldn't recall anything after that..
Wondering if it could be because around this time three years ago, I was desperately packing my suitcases to prepare for my one-way flight back to Singapore... That was so rushed I didn't have time to say a proper goodbye to my friends who came to see me off and ended up having to help with my barang barang..
That horrible rush was insignificant compared to the gnawing sense of loss when I saw the broken cup, when I had to leave so abruptly..
Tuesday, 19 September 2006
About farewells..
Does that seem a tad..selfish?
Friday, 15 September 2006

Siok has to leave us - and this time, it's for sure - while Agnes is going back to school..
Um, I think I'm no good with farewells.. I don't know what to say.. Seems that this year, there has been too many farewells..
Sick old men
#1: This one takes the same bus from the same bus stop last time. He would plonk his skinny ass next to me if the seat was empty and his beady eyes would turn to me now and then. I no longer see this one cos I now take an earlier bus.
#2: Similar to #1, only worse, from the next bus stop. The earlier bus is emptier so there are empty two-seaters everywhere but he had to plonk his ass next to me. Once I was sitting on a one-seater and he hovered there, holding the railing instead of sitting down until more people moved in and he shifted to the back. The next time I sat on a two-seater, I sat on the outside so he had to find another seat. It wasn't just his beady eyes (ya, you notice I describe creeps with beady eyes), he smelled! Yucks..
#3: Some time away, this fat old man from a neighbouring block hit on Mother. Yes, my 60-year-old mother! Think she was like "WTF?!" - um, not her exact words - and then learnt to just walk away. I certainly don't mind a step-father but someone nice, not this dirty old man! Sighs, mother and daughters certainly don't have much good luck - I stress, GOOD - in love..
#4: Ultimate! Last night, MZ came back about 10+ and informed us that she saw an old man wanking below the MRT tracks. She took out her phone and he ran away while trying to pull up his trousers, mooning MZ in the process! We had a good laugh :p
mf: *gasp* You've been flashed!
MZ: I didn't see "it"; his hand was over "it"! Only the butt, so lucky, can buy lottery.. Haha!
mf: Eh, my friend taught me that you should look down and smirk, then walk away.. Destroy him!
MZ: I didn't see "it"!
"It" indeed, I almost died laughing! :p
Thursday, 14 September 2006
Sports day!
I've never, NEVER, been a participant in sports day in all my schooling years, shy ma, cos I was too big, fat and slow! Still am not very fast but I figure I haven't got much time to be shy!
Yesterday, I participated in three of four telematches :) Ya, and damn proud of it even though we didn't win any! Came in second twice, one third and one last among the four houses. Very funny too, poor TO suffered a 4-hour birthday walk to the tree top walk just a short while ago and now she had to run; our pretty TO is certainly not the running type..
"What have you gotten me into??!"
But we did well! And it was great fun even though my house was fourth in the end. Think my JC house used to get last or about there too.. It wasn’t me! :p
Anyway, I’m aching badly now *.*
Wednesday, 13 September 2006
Magnetic mf
Maybe I still smell of kids?
I lived among kids for a great part of my growing years. Mother babysitted Ting and Peggy one after the other for 2-3 years each since before they turned one. I also have cousins 7-11 years younger. There was a long break until 1998/9 when Hui was born. Since then, I haven't carried a baby until Sat, when LH brought her 6-month-old boy. Baby has grown a lot since we saw him 4-5 months ago! :) Even then, I only carried him briefly while sitting down, not too confident with young babies now..
Anyway, point is, LY's daughter and WY's two girls made me realise - for the first time - the incredible stamina of a mother of three bubbly girls! So tiring! But I had fun too, and I felt so young with them :p The three girls were climbing all over me when I was sitting and jumping on me when I was standing. That was some good bicep training carrying them around; they were 5, 6 and 8.
As my arms, back and legs ached the next day, as Mother warned would happen, I was thinking.. Do I still want many kids?? Heh! :p

PS: The girls didn't jump all over their mummies.. So good, I can have four kids! Just make sure I have friends they could jump on :p
Also some photos to share..
This is the ladder to heaven and hell (hell not shown :p) I mentioned in earlier post

And the lotus in the Guan Yin Temple - I uploaded a big file so you can zoom in to read the Buddhist scriptures, especially the third line on the right of the split. You may then understand the Chinese bit on me 成ing 佛 *.*

My shoebox room! A mock-up. Taken from the door, you're seeing 70% of it

I'll put my bed next to these windows..

And a desk in front on this window!

Cozy cozy :)
Oh, this is the colour of the toilet :p