Anyway, the zoo.. I've been to the zoo more often in my adult years - fun trip with Sito, family day at work, and just yesterday, excursion with S to the Lincoln Park Zoo!
It is a free zoo but the parking isn't cheap - $17 for 30 min to three hours! In the end, WY dropped us and tried to find street parking and failed so he waited in the car while S and I went around with Baby S :p
mf with Baby S :)

The cats were pacing too fast for good pictures.. Anyway, I found them pretty scary, the way they were pacing, even though they were safely in cages...
It was really hot and the gorillas were lazing around! This one decided to make himself comfortable on paper..

This one decided to perch himself up high.. I waved hard at him but he barely glanced at me and turned back to his daydreaming - bah!

This one was prancing about outside. The moment I saw it, I thought, wa, so 庄严, like Kel!

We also checked out the barn but we didn't go elsewhere as we had been out for quite a while - picnic in a park before the zoo! - and Baby S was tired and looking grumpy :p
But it's ok, I'm going to bring Sito here when he's free. Think we'll have so much fun! Love the zoo :)
Anyway, we girls didn't stop there.. After dropping Baby S at home, we went shopping! So envious, S is staying in town and a few steps from all the shops! But she's leaving soon, going back to Sg, sighs..
When I got home, I found that Sito had asked me to go for an bowling event organised by his office - it was just five blocks away from where we were shopping! Missed it.. Perhaps it's time to add credits to my phone so that he could text me instead...
Anyway, I cleaned the apartment this morning and ran some errands. Thinking of heading for the beach after lunch.. Or just talk a walk somewhere.. Let's hope I don't end up watching drama at home again! :p
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