Friday 25 February 2005

Constant change

Last night, I heard DJ say that her programme was ending soon. Huh? This morning, I heard from my two favourite DJs that it was their last morning. Oh dear.. Apparently, from Mon, it's going to be a new programme sheet, and a new team for each new slot.

Suddenly felt lost. When I first started to listen to 933 regularly, it was in JC and the morning show was hosted by Liyi and Junwei. After four years, I tuned in to the morning show again and it was Liyi and Zhiyong. From Mon, it will be Lingzhi and Chongqing going to work with me. But I'm used to listening to Chongqing and Mary on their evening show, and Lingzhi with her Music Diary at night! Wait, does that mean there's no more music diary? It accompanied my lunch hours in my third year..

I've never taken really well to changes. I mean, I can adapt, but it'll always feel different, a matter of liking. Like when I first came back for good, I adapted soon enough, but I missed Oxford like crazy. Still do. No problem when I first moved to Oxford cos I was leaving a distressing period of my life behind. Maybe I should say that if the change is for the better, I can take to it more easily than otherwise.

It's a bit contradictory, isn't it? Just a couple of days ago, I was complaining that life is too routine. Now that something's going to be different, I'm not happy too. What's wrong with me?!

Another voice is rising within me: cos you don't know if you'll like the new morning team on Mon!

Duh, more generally pls..

I think, rather, I feel, that the whole routine thing still stands. If they change teams every year, I'll write this every year and it becomes a routine. It's constant change. Graphically, you see seasonality. My Oxford experience, on the other hand, is not happening every 19 years. It happened and just once. That change was not constant. It's a single sudden peak in white noise series.

Maybe I can conclude that constant change is not a change; if it is, well, it's a boring one.

Update 28 Feb 05
Made a mistake: Liyi still came to work with me this morning :) With Chongqing and another girl whose name I don't know..

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