Friday 4 February 2005

Randomising with Na

I had a sudden random thought some time yesterday: mf is a ball of fluff, like what the cat coughed up in Shrek 2.

That's different, said Na, that's a hair ball.

But isn't hair ball fluffy? And fluff ball is like hair ball, irregular but roundish nevertheless?

Ah well..

We broke into song on the way to MRT, have not done that in a long time, the two of us!

“這一生也在進取 這分鐘卻掛念誰
我會說是唯獨你 不可失去
我會說為情為愛 仍然是對
誰比你重要 成功了敗了也完全無重要

誰比你重要 狂風與暴雨都因你燃燒

1 comment:

  1. Hey, you are a beautiful young woman -- consider yourself lucky that you have these wonderful looks and good health. Not everyone can say that.

    You are a young person, and youth is a great catalyst of inexplicable passion and chemistry. Don't sweat it sweety, you are perfectly normal.
