Saturday 29 January 2005

I'm like a (slow) fish, I'll only swim away (a little)..

Just back from my very first swimming lesson of my entire life. Suspect my muscles are going to ache to my bones tomorrow this time. Maybe even earlier =/

Didnt realise before that breathing out is through both the nose and the mouth, felt a bit weird at the beginning - I mean, you don't breathe like that normally right?? - then got a bit more used to it towards the end. But between the beginning and the end, well, quite jia lat la..

An intro: students, only me and Gal(vin) who is 12 years old, I think - don't say whatever you are thinking and stop thinking, just read! Man who can swim, Alan. Or Allen? Hmmm, I'll just put Al, should be right :)

We glided for a while. Just gliding ok, not much energy required, simple momentum should do the trick. But mf here has weak lungs; I could barely last five seconds under water!

Another problem: mf has near-zero balance. If I remember correctly, balance is controlled by the medulla oblongata which is located near the top of the nape.. Don't remember ever knocking into it or kena whacked by anyone there.. SO WHY IS MY BALANCE SO CRAP?! Pool wasn't even turbulent, bah! Very often, I would tilt left and right, not direction leh. Eh how to say.. Imagine you BBQ a fish on a skewer, like flipping something over like that? Ya.. Crap.. And I'm not even gliding straight, kept moving to the left *shrug*

My fingers have a habit of opening up voluntarily. When Al reminded me to keep them closed, I realised that they were spread like I'm trying to balance when walking! Seemed like my body was trying to balance herself, smart but hello, relax!

Then my kicking was crap too. I could swim just a little before this morning, the result of watching little boys and girls at their weekly swimming lessons many years ago! Haha, remember that, Jo? :p But you did better, you learnt to swim eventually, smart girl..

Anyway, my kicking. I've been so wrong all this while! Sighs.. We took a board and tried kicking all the way to the other side. Then another problem surfaced: I was arching my back too much; my feet were kissing the floor in no time. Best part: I wasn't even moving forward a lot despite my near-fanatic kicking =(

But I feel my muscles working, and I imagine my lungs growing stronger (so I can sing better) and I feel happy. I believe I'll learn how to swim properly soon. Tomorrow go tanning, weather permitting. Will also revise what I've learnt today :)

PS: On the way back, thought Gal is quite big for his age. Ting-gia and Boy still look so tiny for secondary boys! I shall buy more chocolates for them next time I see them :p

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