Sunday 30 January 2005

Oppa! :)

Eh, I read what I wrote last night.. Feeling a bit 莫明其妙 now! But I shall not delete it so that I can be reminded of my, erm, random manifestation of the dark side..?


Anyway, I was reading an email from Min. Very happy cos he signed off as Min oppa, which means brother (to a younger sister) in Korean :)

I've always wanted an elder brother, or rather, I want to be the little sister and not this big sister who has to take care of things around the house and feels responsible for people at the wrong age =/

Some time ago in the office, I was saying something like I always wanted to be a princess when I was a kid, and even now, at age 25! Princess, the epitome of perfection and everything nice and pretty and sweet-smelling. And Princess M has a nice ring to it! I think this is related to me wanting to be a little sister actually..

Even though I'm no longer a little girl, and the responsibilities no longer feel as heavy, I'm still glad to have someone acknowledge himself as my bro. Maybe cos it's like fulfilling a childhood dream?

Think I've got many bros around me, my buddies. But most feel like younger bros, I'm still the 大姐大 haha! :p

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