Sunday 30 January 2005

Reflecting an old reflection

During the sun tanning session this morning, Kel and I were talking about how we miss UK, especially the final years. I remembered the many goodbyes that were said, and I struggled to remember the places that I loved so much..

I was tidying a bit of my stuff when I came across this notebook that accompanied me from SG to Oxford and back to SG again. Only a few blank pages are left. I don’t think I’m not going to use it anymore but I’m not dumping it. I’ve written some stuff on the inside of the hard cover, which I’m going to put down in its entirety. Well, almost..

“一位挚友曾说:‘既回不了停留了三年的新加坡,也回不了阔别了三年的香港。心中一直知道需要给予自己时间去重新适应,但总不期然泛起不被人了解的感觉。做事总是战战兢兢,深怕自己伤害了别人,也怕令人有所误解。回想起这段时间,做错了很多的事,说错了很多的话,也发了很多不应发的脾气,但感激你们在我身边包容我、体谅我的朋友。更感激一班无论在哪里仍然默默为我祝福的你们。I miss you and love you all!


也许自己此刻的心情,和她在写这几句的心情一样。怕伤害到别人,尤其是朋友,怕受到伤害,其实是很普通的一个道理。当你看到与你同窗两年,相处近三年的好朋友突然离开了你的周围,回到自己真正的家去,你会怎样呢?你能够怎样?没对她好好说些祝福的话,其实那天匆匆从公司赶到机场,根本没时间足以说什么话,很遗憾… 也许应该给她一个拥抱,再和其他几个好友当地哭一场,也许人多,彼此相互安慰,心情会好很多… 偏偏当时大家竟然似哑了,谁都没多说两句。从机场回家的一小时途中,我哭了。她走了,以后好难才会见到她,好难才会再一次聚在食堂,聚在KAP,好好聊上几小时,好难… 然后,又一个聚餐,是一个饯行会,他走了。再来,他也走了。终于,到我走了。最后,大家都走了,一直以来最心爱的那群人也越来越难再碰面了… 做错的事,说错的话,过去的事,算了!泪水抹掉又是一天,日子照旧。我,愿意与她,他,还有你,一同去珍惜。

给Sali 的。”

Maybe last night I was feeling like I was when I first wrote the above..


  1. Better by far you forget and smile than remember and be sad... ...

  2. It's in my nature to forget but sometimes things will remind me. Or other things will make me feel this way again.. Jia lat!
