Monday 10 January 2005

The men don't get it

Had a chat with a guy friend* the other day. The conversation provided me with some insight and inspired this piece. Anyway, I also buay tahan, must rant on the gender issue, specifically in the realm of relationships.

* Decided to keep him anonymous to keep him alive, since he indulged secrets of the more vulnerable gender! Anyway not quoting him totally, must inject mf-ism..

It may not look like it on the surface but I realised men can be quite dense. They can't take multiple hints; they can't make the correct inference from the happenings around them. IF, they try to make any inference at all. Maybe their ego makes them think they're too right to be wrong..? Whatever..

On the other hand, girls can be so much more jing ming, even though they may not look like it ok.. We may not be too direct, some kind of female jin chi thing la, so we drop subtle, and when exasperated, blatant, clues. And hey, clues are meant to be deciphered! Guys, you should have learnt what we are like so pls don't stay blur!

And no, asking us to be direct is so NOT an option. Unless we choose to be, that is.

Now ladies, don't shoot but I agreed, still do, with said friend that a girl can send out mixed signals to a guy, be it unintentional or on purpose (so called mind games?). Whichever way, guess this wrecks havoc on the simple guy who would rather wear his feelings on the sleeve. My take is that sometimes girls can't help it! Maybe blur ya, but more likely cos we crave male attention to some extent, AND we honestly do enjoy hanging out with friends. But just hanging out. Otherwise, there would be clearer indication; at least I would act on it :p

I was saying, actually, quite sad right, if all men are so thick, think I'd rather stay single and unattached than be with a piece of lead, in case I shrivel and die from frustration.. Besides I find status quo more fun and carefree. I hate to have to account to anyone. Hell I don't even tell Mother what I do and where I am! I know this is where some would go, "This is yet another spinster*-to-be!" but well, who cares so long as I'm happy? :) But well, met this guy lately, hit it off quite well, see if I see him again, don't mind hanging out! :p

* Actually the correct term is bachelorette, take note..

Anyway, reason for ranting is that I've got a tricky problem on hand. Maybe two but let me deal with each in turn. This seems to be the period when people get into sticky situations. Cos I'm not the only one; there's said friend too, whose problem might just be worse than mine..

Something he said which I heard somewhere before too: when you talk to guys about problems, they'll try to give solutions but when you approach girls to discuss problems, you mostly get very good listeners who empathise with you. Thanks, guys, for providing much needed advice. Having taken everything you all said into consideration, I've decided that I'll find as natural a route as possible at the earliest possible opportunity. Still keeping various scenarios in view, no doubt, cos I need to be prepared for all outcomes..

Don't know why but I haven't had a chance to talk to my girlfriends yet, not properly anyway. Later see how. I'm so drained, I must sleep now. Hope above is more coherent than birthday post; I didn't drink today..!

Really, men don't get their way; it's we women who allow them to get their way..

Oyasumi *.*

Update 11 Jan 05
Don't be mistaken, I honestly hold no extremist thinking of female superiority nor do I think all men are jia lat. I was just, well, ranting..


  1. Whoa wat's with all this bgr shit?! Na agrees with mf that status quo is indeed more fun, and that's why I'm choosing my path (CF Na's blog). For Na, when in doubt or confusion, throw everything away. Coz in the end, you still have Na!!! hee... muackz~*

  2. Tse Wen says HI!!!

    How's life? No more statistics? =P

  3. Hey Tse Wen, still doing stats..
    And I thought whose this Jean Pierre.. :p

  4. Eh I win, I forgot how to delete comments..!

    So I correct my darn grammar mistake: -
    Previous comment should read: "who's" instead of "whose"


