Sunday 16 January 2005

mf-ism? Narcissism?

My spelling sucks. As I was growing up, I read a lot of fiction, and I didn't use to spew this much (rubbish?) from my keyboard/mouth. So ended up that I could recognise many words but couldn't spell as many. And my phonetics is crap too.

Anyway, I had to check up M-W for the correct spelling of "narcissism"; OCD doesn't allow such gross errors! Just typed in "narcissm" and the thing threw up the correct term. Since I was in, might as well check the definition, just to make sure I got my word: -

2 : love of or sexual desire for one's own body"

Should be it la :)

And now may I proceed to the main topic..

I have this idea that people who have their own websites, including blogs, photos etc, are narcissistic. Why else would they want to publicise themselves, their lives, their thoughts etc to the world??

For me, it's obviously so - I love myself! My (rebonded i.e. fake) straight hair, my slit eyes with hidden eyelids, my lovely complexion, my luscious lips which hide my straight teeth (and expensive too - had braces before; strange that my straight stuff are all fake..), my blemish-free back, my slender wrists (possibly the only slender part of me, how unfortunate!) and my toenails which are big enough for decent nail art..

The rest of me, I shall not be too bothered with, especially my poor tummy and, guess what, my ears. Left earlobe has a painful little lump in it, a few months after the pain in the right one subsided - lump still there though, better not get cancerous. Though I haven't actually heard of ear cancer.. But then I haven't heard of many things so..

But I didn't used to be like this, as in loving myself. Used to hate my adolescent self for my square sulky face (gone now, thank goodness!), my horrible hair (no money for rebonding.. Did it even exist back then??), my shapeless body (more the fault of my huge shapeless pinafore which Mother simply refused to shorten - it's past knee length, imagine!), even my handwriting but most of all, for having no life! Gaaa! I'm past that so I must be especially good to myself to compensate for those sucky years in secondary school :)

Anyway I was saying I love myself. And I like to share things about mf cos it's mf and everyone must know :) Then sometimes I don't get a chance to say all I want to say. So I decide I shall write. Remember, I didn't use to talk a lot; I still tend to hole up. Hmm, sounds dysfunctional!

Just now I was reading Yen's* blog and wow, chim, I can't understand 90% of it.. Makes me realise how fluffy and ditzy I am! But "fluffy mf"? I like! Why should I be anyone but me? *Wink* Oh, you don't like? Can't stand mf-ism? Then let me say thanks for reading thus far and bye!

* A note that during dinner last night with some seven Oxonians, I suddenly realised that the last time we sat together was on my floor in Frewin 2-4!

Erm, I'm getting distracted by the Bao Gong show, I think I should go watch it full time while packing my weekend shopping away.

Oh, that's not full part anymore :p

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