I brought it to work on Fri and showed it to FK and Siok. Both said Little Lamb looked like me! Gee..
FK said that everyone has an animal. I didn't quite understand until she explained. It's just like how I think some people remind me of a squirrel or mouse or cat! Good to know I'm not the only one to see animals in people :p But for some people, I just can't put any animal to them!
A few examples of "animalistic" people :p
CY's a rabbit. Na is a lion. Lioness. or Tweety. Maybe cos of her Simbad and her Tweety Birds! Susan is a squirrel. Tok's a mouse. SY is a cat. So is FK. Siok is a cat too, but younger. Think that makes her a kitten, like this :)

Source: Some email..
And I'm a sheep, like Meh! :)

Source: mf
屁啦!!! I object! Why am I a lioness!!! I'm so adorable, I should be a Pikachu or something!! Simba is cute too lah, but I don't want! I don't eat so much meat, and I am not so feminist! I refuse to feed males!!! Hm... After actually typing all this, I think I am starting to come to terms with being a lioness. Hahaha!!! I will hunt you down the next time we meet, Little Lamb! 'meh' away while you still can.... growlz~*
ReplyDeleteIt's not the typical lioness I'm referring to, is the Simbad face, you know? So you don't hunt, heh heh :p